- Calendar
January 2002 - Diversity Appreciation Month and Mentoring Works! Month
KGBSD School Calendar 2001-2002
HATS Schedule Homework Assistance, Tutoring & Snacks
Saxman Breakfast Club -Monday through Thursday 6:30 - 8:45 a.m. at the Tribal House
7:00 pm - City Council Meeting - Ketchikan City Council Chambers
Agenda & Council PacketKGBSD Vacation ends, schools open
7:00 pm - Friday Night Insight Program - Alaska Discovery Center - Video: Wilderness in the Last Frontier - The National Wildlife Refuges of Alaska
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4:00 pm Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco Ad Hoc Committee meeting - Schoenbar Library
5:30 pm KBG Assembly Meeting - City Council Chambers
6:00 pm Planning Commission Meeting - City Council Chambers
6:30 pm Ketchikan Economic Development Authority (KEDA) Meeting - Ketchikan's Visitors Bureau Conference Room
6:00 pm Ketchikan School Board special meeting: executive session - Tentative location: Ketchikan High School Library - The Board will enter in an executive session to discuss negotiations with the Ketchikan Educ. Association
Noon - Ketchikan Legislative Liaison - City Council Chambers- Purpose: To discuss the upcoming legislative fly-in to Juneau. Public is invited to attend.
5:00 pm Ketchikan School Board meets with the KEA in a negotiation session - Ketchikan High School Library (Board may meet in executive session)
5:00 pm Ketchikan School Board meets with the KEA in a negotiation session - Ketchikan High School Library (Board may meet in executive session)
7:00 pm - Friday Night Insight Program - Alaska Discovery Center - Video: Arctic Dance - The Mardy Murie Story
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Jan. 13th - 19th: Early Childhood Educator Week
6:00 pm - The Ketchikan School Board will meet in a work session with representatives from the Ketchikan Charter School - Ketchikan High School library.
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6:00 pm City of Saxman regular meeting
6:00 pm Ketchikan School Board - regular meeting - City Council Chambers
5:30 pm - Greater KTN Area Local Emergency Planning Commission meeting - City of Ketchikan conference room - 344 Front St. One or more Borough Assembly Members, Ketchikan City Council Members or Saxman City Council Members may be present. The public is invited.
6:30 pm - Valley Park- Structure and Review Committee
7:00 pm - City Council Meeting - Ketchikan City Council Chambers
Agenda & Council Packet![]()
6:00 pm Friday - Ketchikan School Board Retreat -Cape Fox
3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Traditional storytelling for teens at the Saxman Tribal House - Space is limited. Contact the Totem Heritage Center at 907-225-5900 for more information and to register.
7:00 pm - Friday Night Insight Program - Alaska Discovery Center - Snowmobiling in Ketchikan. Jim Duncan of the Ketchikan Snowmobile Club will discuss snowmobiling in the Ketchikan area
9:00 am Saturday Ketchikan School Board Retreat -Cape Fox
Jan. 19th & 20th - Traditional Storytelling: Oral tradition Passed Down, Tlingit storyteller Robert Sam. For more information or to register call 907-225-5900.
7:00 p.m. - "An Evening of Traditional Native Storytelling", Saxman Tribal House - Free and open to the public. There will be a dessert potluck. For more information contact 907-225-5900
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Isobel Daigler Day In Ketchikan
Ketchikan Indian Corporation Tribal Council Election
4:00 pm Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco Ad Hoc Committee meeting - Schoenbar Library
5:30 pm KBG Assembly Meeting - City Council Chambers
6:00 p.m.- KGB Planning Commission Platting Board meeting - City Council Chambers. Public testimony will be taken.
6:30 p.m. Ketchikan Economic Development Authority regular
meeting - Ketchikan
Visitor's Bureau Conference Room 131 Front Street - The public is invited to attend the meeting.23 24
5:30 pm Special Ketchikan School Board Meeting - Purpose: Discussion of executive session policy, Discussion of Valley Park Structure Review Committee and an Executive Session: To discuss negotiations with KEA - City Council Chambers
6:30 pm Extended learning (GT) meeting - Kayhi Library
KGBSD 2nd Quarter Ends
9 am - 25th & 26th - Open negotiations with KEA - City Council Chambers
7:00 pm - Friday Night Insight Program - Alaska Discovery Center - Children's Program - Birds of Prey. Jerry Thompson, Bird Curator at the Deer Mountain Hatchery and Eagle Center, and eagle handler Larry Paulson will provide a demonstration with live birds for this exciting program for kids and adults alike.
Canceled - 9 am - 25th & 26th Open negotiations with KEA - City Council Chambers
4:00 pm Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco Ad Hoc Committee meeting - Schoenbar Library
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6:00 pm - Valley Park- Structure and Review Committee - Valley Park School
1:00 p.m - February 7, 2002 - The Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly Airport Affairs Committee will be meeting at the downstairs conference room, Hangar 1, at the Airport. They will be discussing general airport affairs. The public is invited to attend the meeting.
Saturday, February 2, from 2-4 pm Ketchikan Watercolor Society will meet in the First Lutheran Church Annex. Maida Kelly Marksheffel will demonstrate painting transparent florals against a dark ground. Bring paints and paper.
Feb. 4th - 6th Open Forum - IDEA Training - IEP here for more information
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December 2001-------November 2001------October 2001 -------September 2001 ------ August 2001 Calendar ----- July 2001 Calendar ----June 2001 Calendar
May 2001 Calendar -------April 2001 Calendar
- If you would like to publish an upcoming event on this calendar, fax your information to Sitnews at 225-8590 or click on the graphic to email your information.