
Sitnews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Alaska's February Unemployment Rate Sets Record Low
Ketchikan's Unemployment 11.4%, Up From January's 11.0%


March 16, 2002
Saturday 8:40 am

Feb. Unemployment for selected Areas
Alaska's unemployment rate fell to 7.3% in February, a decrease of two tenths of a percentage point from January.

The 7.3% rate is the lowest
ever recorded in February and well below the year-ago rate of 8.1%. The comparable national unemployment rate was 6.1%.

The number of unemployed Alaskans decreased by 581 in February to 23,675, a decline of 2.4% from January and 8% less than a year ago. Not since 1990 has the state's number of unemployed persons been so low in the month of February.

Initial claims for unemployment benefits dropped by almost 3,000, a 28.6% decline from January. With 7,432 initial claims filed in February, the state is slightly above the year-ago level of 6,940.

Most areas of the state saw small decreases in their unemployment rates, though Anchorage's rate increased from 4.8% to 4.9%. Ketchikan's rate also increased from 11.0% to 11.4%.

The Aleutians East Borough recorded the lowest rate in the state for February at 3.0% and the Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area had the highest at 18.4%.

Areas with smaller populations are more likely to see dramatic month-to-month changes in their rates, since a single event such as the opening of a fishery or a seasonal layoff can affect a large
segment of the area labor force. Both the Aleutians East Borough, which saw a rate change from 6.5% to 3.0% from January to February, and the Yukon-Koyukuk Census Area, which saw an increase over the same period from 17.2% to 18.4%, are examples.

Alaska has added 4,500 jobs since February 2001, a relatively modest growth rate of 1.6%. According to Dan Robinson, a labor economist with the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development, "The shrinking number of unemployed Alaskans will have plenty of job opportunities in the coming months."



Ketchikan, Alaska

Labor Force



 02/02  01/02  02/01 02/02  01/02 02/01  02/02  01/02   02/01  02/02  01/02   02/01 
7,352 7.287 7,111 835   802 739  11.4% 11.0%  10.4%  6,517  6,485  6,372 


Related Information:

Labor Force by Region and Census Area - February 2002 Report


Source of News Release:

The Department of Labor and Workforce Development
Web Site


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