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News From The Alaska Republicans


March 29, 2002
Friday 2:00 pm

Senate Takes Lead in Fixing Coastal Zone Permitting Process

(JUNEAU) - Legislation geared toward fixing Alaska's broken coastal zone permitting process passed the Senate on Thursday with bi-partisan support.

"For the foreseeable future, Alaska's economy will be dependent upon the development of our natural resources," said Therriault. "As lawmakers we must remove those aspects of our permitting system that cause unnecessary delay and expense without improving public input and accountability."

Read the full text of this news release.

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Board of Fish to Hold Public Hearing
Testimony Will be Heard on King Limit

(JUNEAU)- Board of Fish Chairman Ed Dersham and Vice-Chair Dan Coffey confirmed Wednesday they will hold a public meeting in Kodiak on April 3, to discuss a recent ruling which limits Alaskan anglers to only five king salmon per year.

The public meeting comes at the request of Sen. Alan Austerman, who describes reaction to the limit as an uproar stretching from Cook Inlet to Seward to Kodiak.

"In my eight years as a state legislator, I have never received as many calls from constituents as I have over this king salmon ruling," said Austerman. "I think it is not just right, but imperative for the Board of Fish to come to Kodiak and justify this decision to restrict the fishing rights of Alaska's resident fishermen."

Read the full text of this news release.


Source of News Releases:

Alaska Republicans
Web Site



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