Sitnews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Fish Farming: Lt. Governor Interviewed
How the impending expansion of British Columbia Atlantic Salmon
fish farms will affect Alaska's wild salmon commercial fishing industry...


April 1, 2002
Monday - 7:00 pm

Lt. Governor Fran Ulmer was recently featured on the Rafe Mair Show on Thursday morning, March 28, 2002. The live radio interview aired on CKNW Vancouver B.C.

According to a news release, the topic was fish farming and how the impending expansion of British Columbia Atlantic Salmon fish farms will affect Alaska's wild salmon commercial fishing industry.

audio Listen to the Lt. Governor's interview... Real Audio runs 16:31


Source of News Release & Streaming Audio:

Office of the Lt. Governor
Web Site

State of Alaska
Web Site



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