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Alaska Community Forest Council Seeks New Members


April 1, 2002
Monday - 7:00 pm

The Alaska Community Forest Council is accepting applications for new members. The council is a nonprofit organization that works to improve the quality of life in communities by expanding and caring for urban and community trees and forests. Urban forests include the trees and other natural elements of a forest, plus the development found where people live. The council promotes the management of these natural elements in relationship to the built environment to maximize their benefits to communities.

The council advises the Division of Forestry on developing and supporting local community forestry programs and works with the division to foster partnerships between government agencies, businesses, and volunteers. The council supports tree planting in communities across the state and reviews community forestry grant proposals.

Six of the council's fifteen seats will become open at the end of June. The seats are for an arborist, a landscape architect, small community services representative, industry/business representative, and two members-at-large. Council members must be able to attend all-day meetings four times each year, usually in Anchorage. Applicants are asked to serve on a working committee, help handle the normal business responsibilities of a nonprofit, and help raise funds to support community forestry efforts.

Council members receive no compensation except reimbursement of travel expenses. Members attend orientation before the first meeting and are provided educational opportunities and hands-on training. Applications and information about the council and the Urban and Community Forestry Program are available at Division of Forestry offices and from the Urban and Community Forestry Office in Anchorage at 269-8466. The deadline for applications is Tuesday, April 30th. New appointees will be notified in late May and the new three-year terms begin on July 1st, 2002.



Source of News Release:

Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Web Site



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