Sitnews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Vessel Monitoring System Workshops Scheduled


April 02, 2002
Tuesday - 2:00 pm

The National Marine Fisheries Service Office for Law Enforcement, in cooperation with the Coast Guard's North Pacific Regional Fisheries Training Team, is holding Vessel Monitoring System workshops in Alaska fishing communities this spring.

These workshops address the VMS (Vessel Monitoring System) Program, scheduled to start in the Pacific cod, pollock and Atka mackerel directed fisheries on June 10, 2002.

The VMS system is a method of periodically reporting-through satellite communications-the location and identity of boats. Workshop leaders will discuss in detail which fisheries and fishing activities are affected, permit requirements, program design, regulations and equipment requirements.

Workshops have been scheduled for:

April 5 Kodiak "Comfish" Trade show, 3 PM
April 15 Homer City Hall, 6 PM
April 16 Seward Alaska Vocational Technical. Center, 6 PM
April 19 Unalaska City Council Meeting Room, 5 PM
April 23 Juneau Regional Admin. Conference Room, 4th Floor Federal Bldg. 1:30 PM
April 25 Petersburg Omni Building, 6 PM
April 30 Ketchikan NMFS Enforcement Office, 1 PM
May 1 Sitka Centennial Hall, 6 PM
May 6 Cordova Labor Hall, 7 PM
May 8 Sand Point City Chambers, 6 PM

For more information on the workshop schedule or the VMS Program, contact your local NMFS Enforcement office or the Regional Enforcement Office at 907 586-7225.


Related Information:

VMS Program

Vessel Monitoring System


Source of News Release:

NOAA - National Marine Fisheries Service - Alaska Region
Web Site



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