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Scot Anthony Robinson is the "Vision Warrior"
Keynote Speaker for ADFY Conference


April 08, 2002
Monday - 12:10 am

Scot Anthony Robinson - "Vision Warrior"" Vision Warrior" is a tour de force theatrical lecture presentation conceived by actor Scot Anthony Robinson.

From the age of 11 he recalls his first puff of marijuana and then takes you into a raw, often frightening, sometimes funny and ultimately uplifting performance that takes audiences on a tour of decent into drug and alcohol addiction and onto his ongoing recovery.

Close to one million young people have experienced " Vision Warrior" across the United States.

The Partnership for a Drug Free America considers Robinson perhaps the best in the nation at reaching and impacting our youth on this critical topic. Recently Vision Warrior was featured in a national PSA sponsored by the Office of Drug Control Policy & PDFA that rated one of the highest with students in getting across the message that drugs have severe consequences, the spot also recently won a prestigious NY ADDY award for best PSA.

" You are the only speaker who has ever taken foot into our High School and left a lasting impression" and " Oh my God, we were gonna smoke right now, but not after that guy" are the kinds of reactions Vision Warrior receives from students.

Robinson takes his "Vision Warrior show to Universities, High Schools, Middle Schools and Correctional facilities and his audiences often recognize him from such film and television shows like 'Malcolm X," Clockers," New York Undercover" and "All My Children", his training and experience as a professional actor helps him transform into different characters and adapt to the many diverse environments he's thrust into, helping him to really reach kids in a topic that kids are very defensive about.

Having gone through 2 years of therapy and rehabilitation at a Therapeutic Community; Robinson has taken those concepts of RET and group therapy and fused them into his message, incorporating all the issues affecting our country's young people...fear, self-esteem, violence, sex, need of acceptance, relationships to name a few.

From Arizona to Boston, Riker's Island to Off-Broadway Vision Warrior is a powerful weapon in the war on drugs.


Related Information:

Vision Warrior Web Site

Partnership For A Drug Free America


Source of Vision Warrior's Biography:

Alaskans For Drug Free Youth
Ketchikan, Alaska


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