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Stevens and Murkowski Persuade Agency
To Pay for New Fishing Equipment


April 08, 2002
Monday - 1:30 pm

Washington - At the urging of Senators Stevens and Murkowski, the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) has agreed to reimburse fishermen up to $2,000 for the cost of Vessel Monitoring System units. According to NMFS, the VMS units will be readily available in fishing communities this summer, and unit costs are not expected to exceed $2,000. NMFS will contract with the Pacific States Marine Fisheries Commission to help run the program.

NMFS issued an emergency rule on January 1st requiring that all federally-licensed vessels carry Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) units, which help NMFS implement Steller sea lion protection measures and enforce no-fishing zones.

During a March 13th Senate Appropriations Subcommittee hearing, Stevens urged Commerce Secretary Evans to consider the high cost of VMS units, particularly the financial burden imposed on small vessel fishermen by this otherwise unfunded mandate.

Stevens has secured $80 million to research the cause of the sea lion decline, and $30 million to compensate fishermen, fishing communities, processors, and seafood workers for economic losses already incurred under previous sea lion protection regimes. According to the news release, this became necessary after outside environmental groups filed lawsuits alleging that fishing was the cause for the decline in the Steller sea lion population.

"Two years ago the National Marine Fisheries Service tried to shut down the nation's largest fisheries in response to a lawsuit filed by extreme environmental groups," said Stevens. "Following protracted negotiations, the previous Administration agreed to a provision I authored providing Alaska fishermen relief from the onerous restrictions NMFS had put in place."

"Alaska fishermen have already paid too much for Steller sea lion restrictions. I am pleased that Secretary Evans and NMFS Administrator Bill Hogarth are able to reimburse Alaskans for the cost of these federally-mandated units," added Stevens.

"I have been very concerned about the cost of these systems for Alaska's fishermen, especially for the small boat fleet. We've been in touch with senior Department of Commerce and National Marine Fisheries Service officials several times over the last few months to urge them to step up to the plate on the cost of the on-board units, and I'm pleased they've finally agreed to do so," said Senator Frank Murkowski.

"I have been assured that the agency has figured out a way to make sure fishermen are reimbursed promptly, and even before that happens, that they have a written commitment that reimbursement is coming.

"The Steller sea lion situation made these systems necessary, and it's only fair the agency absorb a large share of the cost. Fishing didn't cause the Steller problem, and it would be unfair to make Alaska's fishermen suffer even more than they already have," said Senator Murkowski.


Source of News Release:

Office of Senator Frank Murkowski
Web Site

Office of Senator Ted Stevens
Web Site


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