Sitnews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Murkowski Says Updated USGS Review of ANWR
Reflects Realistic Options For Exploration


April 09, 2002
Tuesday - 11:30 pm

Washington - Sen. Frank H. Murkowski, ranking member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, on Monday commented on the U.S. Geological Survey officials recently released which updated results of a review of the impact of exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Murkowski said:

"The USGS' original effort missed the mark. They developed a computing model but fed it with development proposals that simply did not reflect reality. The results provided data that was useless as it didn't apply to any exploration or development proposal being discussed before the Senate.

The new data is an accurate reflection of reality. The results show only little or no impacts on the wildlife that live in the region. Alaskans - especially the Inupiat Eskimos who live there and support ANWR energy leasing - have known that for 30 years.

The bottom line is that this survey shows that the development of ANWR can coexist alongside the wildlife that live there. Such a balanced use will not only protect the region, the resources found there will also help ensure our nation's energy security. With new developments such as Saddam Hussein's oil embargo, we need to focus our efforts here at home to better safeguard our energy supplies."


Related Story:

Arctic Refuge Coastal Plain Terrestrial Wildlife Research Summaries Released


Source of News Release:

Office Of Senator Frank Murkowski
Web Site



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