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April 9th Former POWS Official Recognition Day
Governor Orders POW/MIA Flag Flown


April 09, 2002
Tuesday - 12:30 am

American servicemen and women who were held as Prisoners of War (POWs) will be remembered today - Former POWS Official Recognition Day - Gov. Tony Knowles announced on Monday. Ceremonies are scheduled throughout Alaska and the nation according to the news release.

April 9th was established two years ago as a state day of recognition for former POWs. It is dedicated primarily to those POWs who returned home and are still living.

"America's prisoners of war were separated from their loved ones and their compatriots, enduring disease and often monstrous mistreatment," Knowles said in an executive proclamation issued for the occasion. "They prevailed, thanks to boundless faith, remarkable strength of character, a deep love of country, and unflagging desire to return to their families. To their families, we offer our sincerest admiration for weathering agonizing uncertainty and fear of the unknown."

Knowles called upon all Alaskans to join in ceremonies around the state that give respect and recognition to POWs and their families. The Governor has a standing order to fly the special POW/MIA flag on April 9th and on other veteran-related holidays at the Alaska State Veterans Memorial at Byers Lake, and at state buildings and armories around the state.

"Alaska enjoys democracy and freedom because of the sacrifices of our veterans," Lt. Governor Fran Ulmer said. "We can honor them by remembering their dedication to service and bringing that spirit to our own lives."

Major General Phil Oates, Adjutant General of the Alaska National Guard and Commissioner of the state's Department of Military and Veterans Affairs, said, "We should always remember all Prisoners of War and those still Missing in Action."



Former POW Recognition Day


Source of News Release:

Office Of The Governor
Web Site


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