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Concealed Carry Legislation Heads to Governor


April 16, 2002
Wednesday - 12:45 am

Juneau - The Senate concurred unanimously with a House amendment to Senate Bill 242 Tuesday, sending this latest round of concealed carry legislation to the governor for his signature.

Sponsored by Sen. Robin Taylor (R-Wrangell), SB 242 simplifies the process of reciprocity with other states, which was covered in SB 294, legislation that was passed by the 21st Legislature. That legislation directed the Department of Public Safety to determine which states and political subdivisions granted reciprocity to Alaska permit holders. It also required the department to prepare and submit that list to each law enforcement agency in this state.

"SB 294 passed 16 months ago, and has still not been implemented," said Taylor. " SB 242 solves that problem. It relieves the department of the burden of having to review and evaluate the concealed carry programs of other states. It grants reciprocity to any permittee who has a concealed carry permit from another state. We expect this legislation to result in more states granting reciprocity to Alaska permit holders.

Taylor's legislation came back to the Senate Tuesday with an amendment attached by the House. With a 19 to 0 affirmative vote, the Senate concurred with the House revision. The amendment prevents a resident of Alaska, who cannot obtain a concealed carry permit in this state, from going to another state that has less restrictive requirements, obtaining a permit, and returning to Alaska with a concealed carry permit that Alaska will recognize.

SB 242 will be transmitted next to the governor for his consideration.


Source of News Release:

Alaska Republicans
Web Site



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