Sitnews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Knowles Statement on ANWR Vote


April 18, 2002
Thursday - 11:40 pm

Gov. Tony Knowles issued the following statement following today's Senate vote regarding the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR):

"I share the disappointment of the vast majority of Alaskans in today's 46-54 vote in the U.S. Senate on oil and gas development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, but this is hardly the final chapter. I believe the science, technology and environmental stewardship of a future America will ultimately converge to allow the responsible development of oil and gas in ANWR.

I salute the bipartisan effort of Alaskans leading up to today's vote. Organized labor, Arctic Power, our congressional delegation, legislators of both parties, the state administration and Alaskans across our state worked across political party lines for a common purpose.

To me, it's not a question of if but when we'll be permitted to develop this important national resource. Alaskans know we can do so in an environmentally responsible way. Now, I think it's time to refine our message to better respond to the legitimate national environmental concerns rather than attack them.

We will take that message next to the House-Senate Conference Committee which will be convened after the Senate finalizes its version of the energy bill. The House version of the bill allows for responsible oil development in the coastal plain of ANWR, limiting the impact of facilities to 2,000 acres. While it may be an uphill fight, I will continue to promote responsible development of ANWR as I have throughout my administration.

As the national energy legislation continues making its way through Congress, we will also keep working with our congressional delegation and other members of Congress for provisions to help make the Alaska Highway natural gas pipeline a reality. The provisions this administration has advocated enjoy wide bipartisan support and we're optimistic Congress will approve of this project in America's national interest."



Source of News Release:

Office of the Governor
Web Site



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