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Alaska Student Poster Contest Highlights Positive
Alternatives To Drinking Alcohol - Winners Announced
Metlakatla Student A Winner: Best Overall Poster 5th-grade Category


April 19, 2002
Friday - 12:20 pm

Juneau - Alaska First Lady Susan Knowles announced today the winners of a statewide poster contest for Alaska elementary and middle school students.

The poster contest paralleled a campaign of television and radio public service announcements (PSAs) targeting nine to fifteen year olds to think about the consequences of drinking. The 'Cool Spot' PSAs show that it's cool to say no to beer, wine, or liquor. The Winners' Postersspots don't preach or lecture to kids, but focus on giving them the verbal tools to turn down a drink politely, but firmly. The spots were developed by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

117 students ages 6 to 16 participated in the poster contest. From Metlakatla to Anchorage to Tanana, the children created posters that capture the eye with colorful drawings and compelling messages on the dangers of drinking alcohol and positive activities that kids can do instead of drinking.

Contest judges included Mrs. Knowles, Lt. Governor Fran Ulmer, and Commissioner of Health and Human Services Jay Livey.

"The judges were impressed with the messages delivered by creative kids who shared with us their personal perspective on either the negative side of underage drinking or the positive side of being able to resist alcohol and engage in fun and fulfilling activities," Mrs. Knowles said. "It is obvious that even the youngest contestants were familiar with alcohol issues in their cities and villages."

Categories and winners include;

Best Overall Poster:

  • Lii Palakiko, Heather Speck, and Jaleen Johnson, 5th grade team, Williwaw Elementary School, Anchorage
  • Mary E. Hostetter, 6th grade, Igiugig School, Igiugig
  • Jessica Gaube, 5th grade, Richard Johnson Elementary, Metlakatla

Best School Participation :

  • Holy Cross Elementary, Holy Cross
  • Williwaw Elementary, Anchorage

Best Anti-Drinking Poster

  • Kiersten Wilber, Age 10, Meadow Lakes Elementary (submitted by Goose Bay Elementary Boys and Girls Club, Wasilla)
  • Kluane Albert,7th grade, Northway School
  • Angela Martinez, Kary Ryan, and Gerlyn Kory, 5th grade team, Williwaw Elementary

Best Positive Alternative to Drinking Poster

  • September Cambell, 2nd grade, Holy Cross
  • Morgan Turner,1st grade, Holy Cross
  • Peter Demientiff, 1st grade, Holy Cross

Best Group Poster

  • Williwaw Elementary 5th grade team, Anchorage
  • Jannice Emmsley, William Olin, and Anu Poleo

Best Individual Poster

  • Jasmine Lekanof, 6th grade, St. George School, St. George Island

Mrs. Knowles noted that national statistics show children are drinking more and at younger ages than ever before. Thirteen is the average age when kids first drink alcohol. The longWinners' Posters and short-term effects of early drinking are potentially devastating in terms of brain development, safety and success, and future alcohol dependence.

Mrs. Knowles and more than 30 other governors' spouses have joined in the fight against underage drinking, through Leadership to Keep Children Alcohol Free. The primary sponsors of this initiative are the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The goal of this national and statewide initiative is to raise awareness, provide access to existing resources, and promote action at all levels.

Every child who participated in the Alaska poster contest will receive a certificate signed by Gov. Tony Knowles and Mrs. Knowles. Prizes will be sent to winning students and schools.

The posters will be displayed along the Governor's hall, third floor of the Capitol, through Friday, May 3rd.


Source of News Release & photos:

Office of the Governor
Web Site


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