Sitnews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


AIPAC Endorsement Of Comprehensive National Energy Policy
Including Exploration In ANWR Hailed by Murkowski


April 23, 2002
Tuesday - 12:05 am

Washington, D.C. - Alaska Sen. Frank Murkowski on Monday welcomed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference's endorsement of an energy policy for the Unites States which includes exploration in the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

At its annual meeting in the nation's capital, AIPAC endorsed a comprehensive national energy policy to reduce American dependence on unstable and potentially hostile foreign sources of oil. The conference urged that such legislation be balanced by improving energy efficiency and developing alternatives such as solar and other renewables energy sources. In addition, the conference voted to support domestic resource exploration "where supported by [the] local Congressional delegation."

"I'm extremely pleased that AIPAC has come out in formal support of domestic exploration in places such as the Arctic coastal plain, where there is little or no doubt that the state's Congressional delegation is firmly behind the effort," Murkowski said. "With our dependence on foreign oil growing steadily, it only makes sense for us to find more sources of oil within our own borders."

"Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's call for Arab nations to immediately cut overall crude oil exports by 50 percent, further underscores the timeliness of AIPAC's decision," Murkowski said. Hussein is calling for a total boycott of oil exports to the United States and Israel, as well as a boycott from re-export companies who sell crude on to those two countries.

"Saddam's words drive home the dangers of relying too heavily on such a volatile source of oil," Murkowski said. "By voting as they did, AIPAC's policy conference members have shown a clear and concise understanding of the world's situation as it really is, and I heartily commend them for their decision."


Source of News Release:

Office of Senator Frank Murkowski
Web Site



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