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Survey Launched To Assess Attitude of Alaskans Toward FAS


April 23, 2002
Tuesday - 10:30 am

From mid-April through June, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services will conduct a statewide survey to evaluate knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of Alaskans related to fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).

"I encourage everyone who receives a phone call or a written survey to take a few minutes to respond to the survey, and to provide as much information as possible," said Diane Casto, Program Manager for the DHSS Office of FAS.

"The survey takes only about 10 minutes to complete," said Casto, "but it will be so helpful as we strive to improve knowledge about fetal alcohol syndrome, eliminate gaps in services, and make changes needed in programs, policies and practices related to FAS." The survey will also provide a way to measure the effectiveness of the state's 5-year FAS project.

The survey will be administered using two methods: a phone survey of the general public, randomly selecting 1,000 Alaskan adults; and a mail-out written survey targeting 8 service disciplines, including pediatricians, family practice doctors, OB-GYNs, public health nurses, social workers, substance abuse counselors, educators and juvenile/adult correctional workers. These "front-line" providers are most likely to serve individuals affected by FAS on a day-to-day basis.

The survey is completely anonymous. Results will be published in an aggregate format sometime in late summer or early fall.

The state's comprehensive FAS project is aimed at preventing fetal alcohol syndrome, helping those affected to obtain needed services, and broadly improving service systems so they better assist individuals affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). Gaining information about the knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of Alaskans and key service providers will focus the project's efforts and improve its success.

For information, contact the DHSS Office of FAS at 877-393-2287 (statewide) or 907-465-3033 in Juneau.


Source of News Release:

Alaska Department of Health and Social Services
Web Site


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