Sitnews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


State Steps In To Help Laid-Off Gateway Employees
Labor Dept.'s Rapid Response Team to Assist Affected Ketchikan Workers


April 25, 2002
Thursday - 10:20 am

The Department of Labor and Workforce Development is mobilizing its staff to provide services to the laid-off workers at the Gateway Forest Products plant in Ketchikan, Gov. Tony Knowles announced this morning. The action comes after the company's liquidation was announced April 19th, affecting all 63 employees at the veneer plant.

"We are very concerned about the Gateway workers and their families that are affected by closure of the veneer plant," Knowles said. "I've asked the Department of Labor to immediately respond to Ketchikan to make sure these employees are aware of the full range of services that the state can offer."

According to the news release, with Gateway's entire employee population affected, all 63 workers are eligible for immediate unemployment insurance payments. The payments can be activated when the workers file unemployment claims, either by calling 1-888-252-2557 or by making contact through the Ketchikan Job Center at 2030 Sea Level Drive, Suite 220, (907) 225-3181.

"The state is mobilizing all of its resources to assist workers affected by the closure," said Lt. Gov. Fran Ulmer. "The Department of Labor's Rapid Response team has scheduled a meeting for the workers on May 9th in Ketchikan, to provide comprehensive information on the services that are available." Rapid Response is triggered when a single employer gives notice to 35 or more people. Affected workers who wish to obtain services before that date may do so by contacting the Ketchikan Job Center.

The workers are likely to qualify for the full array of services available to dislocated workers, including funds for re-training programs and additional education in order to enhance their re-employment opportunities according to the news release issued by the Governor's office.

"The full resources of my department are committed to helping the Gateway workers get through this difficult time," said Labor Commissioner Ed Flanagan. "With the programs we have in place to provide swift and efficient service, these skilled and dedicated workers will receive unemployment benefits for immediate expenses and will be given all the assistance available to find new employment."



Source of News Release:

Office of the Governor
Web Site


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