Sitnews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Women And Dogs Rescued
By U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer Roger W. Wetherell


April 26, 2002
Friday - 12:50 pm

Ketchikan - Two stranded women and their dogs are safe today after Coast Guard rescuers stumbled upon them Wednesday afternoon in Southeast Alaska.

While training aboard Station Ketchikan's 25 and 47-foot rescue boats, the crews noticed two women waving their arms for help on Black Sands Beach, Gravina Island at 2:16 p.m.

The boat crews responded and picked up Angie Taggart of Ketchikan, Rose Marie Larson and their dogs.

"They anchored their boat but not compensated for the ebbing tide", said one rescuer, Petty Officer Shawn Crabtree. "Three boat crewmen tried to push the 18-foot vessel back into the water but couldn't."

According to Crabtree, he and the other Station Ketchikan crewmembers transported Taggart, Larsen and their dogs to Ketchikan after resetting the boat's anchor in deeper water.

Women & Dogs Rescued

Coast Guard Petty Officer Dale Pope rides aboard one of Station Ketchikan's rescue boats Wednesday with Angie Taggart, Rose Marie Larsen and their dogs after the station's crews rescued the women and dogs from Black Sands Beach on Gravina Island.

Official U.S. Coast Guard photo
by Petty Officer Shawn Crabtree, Station Ketchikan



Source of News Release & Photo:

United States Coast Guard
Web Site



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