Sitnews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Court Ruling Allows Intertie and Five Timber Sales to Proceed


April 29, 2002
Monday - 5:30 pm

Ketchikan, AK - The Swan Lake Electric Intertie project and five vitally important timber sales will be allowed to proceed under a ruling issued in Anchorage on April 26th by Judge James K. Singleton. Under a tightly focused order received Friday by Forest Service officials, some more recent timber sales in roadless areas will not be permitted until 45 days after completion of a court-ordered supplemental environmental impact statement.

"I'm pleased that the court agreed with the communities and the Forest on the value of allowing the Swan Lake Intertie Project and these five timber sales to proceed," Tongass National Forest Supervisor Tom Puchlerz said. "This is a very favorable ruling that allows Southeast Alaska to move forward with projects that contribute to our local economies and lifestyles."

"This ruling tracks the specific request we made to the court, and allows the Forest Service to continue planning for timber sales, including completion of environmental studies," according to Jim Ustasiewski, attorney for the Forest Service.

The five timber sales allowed to proceed are the Upper Carroll, South Lindy, Four Leaf, South Arm, and King George. They will provide about 62 million board feet of timber to timber-dependent communities such as Craig, Ketchikan and Wrangell.



Source of News Release:

U.S.D.A. Forest Service - Tongass National Forest
Web Site


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