Sitnews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


3rd Annual Great Blueberry Ball Roll Winners Announced


August 04, 2002
Sunday - 12:30 am

The 3rd annual Great Blueberry Ball Roll was held at the Blueberry Festival on August 3rd at 3:00 pm.

A maximum of 1,000 tickets was sold with each ticket having a numbered ball and the balls were rolled down Main Street. Tickets cost $10.00 each. The American Diabetes Association benefited from the event.

The Ladies Auxiliary of the Eagles and Team Diabetes Ketchikan teamed up to raise awareness of this deadly disease.




First Place


Karen Hanaman
Second Place 


 Karly McMahon
Third Place


 Leman Smitty Smith
Fourth Place


 Dr. Donna Smith
Fifth Place


 R. Nybeck
Sixth Place


 Henry Keene
Seventh Place


 Trudi Swink
Eighth Place 


 Jim Kosmos
Ninth Place  


Todd Stanley 
Tenth Place


Jeanette Buxton 

Gretchen Klein the event coordinator extended a special thank you to the many volunteers, Eagles, and the Ketchikan Arts Council.


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