War with Iraq, Nearly One-Half 'Strongly Supportive' August 08, 2002
According to a Wilson Research Strategies' news release, the WRS poll of 967 registered voters nationwide, asked, "There has been a great deal of talk lately that the United States may invade Iraq in order to run Saddam Hussein from power. If President Bush orders an attack, would you be strongly or somewhat supportive or unsupportive of such a move?"
"That nearly seven out of ten are supportive of a potential U.S. invasion of Iraq indicates the American people recognize that in order to rid the world of terrorism, drastic measures like this may need to be taken. Clearly the American people recognize Saddam Hussein as a threat to America and our national interests. Next to Osama bin Laden, there probably isn't anyone the American people would more like to see removed than Saddam Hussein," said Chris Ingram, principal of WRS. Among party lines, at 83 percent, Republicans support the Commander in Chief to a greater degree than their Democrat or Independent counterparts (61 percent and 63 percent support respectively). "While waging the war on terrorism should not be led by public opinion, it is encouraging to see that even among Democrats, well over half (61 percent), support President Bush. Voters are not looking at terrorism and related threats as a partisan issue," Ingram said. Information provided by the WRS noted that the nationwide survey of 967 registered voters was conducted August 1-4, 2002. The margin of error for this survey is plus or minus 3.2 percent.
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