Sitnews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Enough Signatures To Place Use of Borough Property To
Construct Bridge Question On Ballot
by Dick Kauffman


August 21, 2002
Wednesday - 12:35 pm

According to information provided by Carol Cairnes, on Saturday Cairnes received a letter from the Ketchikan Gateway Borough Clerk advising her that enough signatures had been

Tongass Narrows view

Looking out across the Tongass Narrows,
the tips of Pennock Island (left) &
Gravina Island (right) can be seen. ....
Photo by Dick Kauffman - April 2002
collected to place an initiative on the October 1, 2002, local ballot in regards to the use of Borough property to construct a bridge across the Tongass Narrows.

The ballot language will read:

Shall a resolution of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough, Alaska prohibiting the use of real property owned by the Ketchikan Gateway Borough as of May 31, 2002 or thereafter for construction of a bridge across the Tongass Narrows by the State of Alaska be approved?

Cairnes is one of the sponsors of the ballot initiative and listed as a primary contact person.

For more information on the Gravina Access Project visit the Gravina Access web site.




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