![]() Brighter Future for Alaska August 21, 2002
"Great schools can have enormous long term benefits for our economy," Ulmer said. "We must adequately fund our schools and demand higher standards and accountability." The four priorities in "The 4.0 Plan for Alaska" are: Resources: Ulmer proposes inflation proofing Alaska's education foundation formula. Over the last decade, inflation has increased 27%, while the foundation formula has only increased by 7%. "If our education funding continues to erode, the quality of our schools will deteriorate. That's unacceptable," said Ulmer. "As has been said before, reform without resources is just rhetoric." Recruitment: Ulmer wants to attract and keep the best and brightest teachers in Alaska. She proposes incentives to attract teachers such as student loan forgiveness and mentoring support for new teachers. Ulmer also wants better pay for teachers. "How much to pay teachers is a local school board decision, but additional resources coming from the state are still the key," Ulmer said. Results: Fran Ulmer believes we must improve student performance. She supports standards-based teaching and testing through the Alaska Quality Schools Initiative which holds schools accountable to improve performance. To accomplish the higher standards, Ulmer wants targeted support for low-performing schools and early intervention for struggling students. Renovation: Alaska must address its backlog of school repair and construction projects. Ulmer says she will systematically tackle this backlog over the next five years to ensure that no child is left in an unsafe, unfit school. Ulmer also supports the general obligation bond on this year's ballot that would build and design 13 new schools, and complete repair projects on 39 other schools. "We will not rest until every child succeeds," Ulmer said. "We will not be sidetracked by the latest education fad. We will not fool ourselves that we can achieve excellence without sustained effort and adequate resources. We will concentrate on what we know works, and we will do our absolute best to reach every child in every community in Alaska. Fran Ulmer (D) is one of 16 candidates who filed for the office of Governor. The primary election is August 27, 2002.
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