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Murkowski Decries Ad Distortions,
Expresses His Support for Tribal Governments


November 02, 2002
Saturday 12:05 am

Anchorage - Alaska gubernatorial candidate Frank Murkowski on Friday decried campaign literature from Lt. Gov. Fran Ulmer that charged that he wants to reduce the number of Alaska Native tribes "to 12 regional groups."

According to a news release, the campaign leaflet totally misstates Murkowski's comments that it might be beneficial to have some of the smallest tribes consolidate. Murkowski said he has never proposed reducing Alaska's 227 recognized tribes to 12.

"I do not support reducing the number of tribes to 12 regional groups. If anyone tells you anything different, they are not telling the truth," said Murkowski in a letter sent Friday to all of Alaska's recognized tribal organizations. Murkowski also said he supports full and equitable funding for all school districts in Alaska.

The release stated that Ulmer further criticized Murkowski for voting for a package of ANILCA amendments supported by all members of the Alaska Congressional Delegation and Governor Tony Knowles in 1998 and that Ulmer failed to mention that she also supported the same amendments in 1997 and 1998 while she was a member of the Governor's Task Force on Subsistence.

According to information provided by Dan Saddler, Communications Director for the Murkowski for Governor Campaign, Ulmer further failed to mention that she told members of the state's fishing industry this summer that she supported making changes to ANILCA as part of a subsistence solution and this position is still on her website under "Fran's responses to UFA questionnaire" (page 3) as of Friday.

"I have a long history of working with Alaska's tribes to address the social and economic problems facing their members. It is disappointing that my opponent has tried to distort important issues for political reasons. I believe a government that works to make its people whole is better than one that divides them. By working together, we can end the last eight years of gridlock, unite Alaska and solve subsistence once and for all," said Murkowski.

Murkowski said the Ulmer/Hall leaflet contains a host of inaccuracies. For example it says that Murkowski wants to do "more with less" when it comes to education, when the Senator has repeatedly said that he supports full funding for education - it being one of his three priorities for state funding with public safety and transportation being the others.

Murkowski said the mailing is just the latest in desperate efforts by the Ulmer campaign to scare Alaskans on everything from the Alaska Permanent Fund and the Dividend program to his 16-point fiscal plan for the state. Murkowski said he has given his commitment to protect the Permanent Fund and its earnings with a vote of the people.

"Obviously the Lt. Governor is getting so desperate that she will do or say anything to get elected," said Murkowski.

Murkowski said he's confident that Alaskans will strongly reject the distortions at the polls Nov. 5.



Source of News Release:

Murkowski for Governor Campaign
Web Site

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