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Veterans Day 2002
Schedule of Local Events


November 09, 2002

A Grateful Nation's Debt Transcends Veterans Day
By Ronald F. Conley

Download a Veterans Day Poster and view the
Veterans Day Poster Gallery 1978-2002.

In proclaiming November 11 as Veteran's Day 2002, President Bush said U.S. military forces operating "on the land, at sea, and in the air" over the years past "have protected our country and liberated millions of people around the world from the threats of tyranny and terror." He added, "our proud veterans have also helped to shape the American character." ... Read the President's Proclamation



Local Events November 11th

8:00 - 10:00 am - Pancake Breakfast - American Legion

Following breakfast - Parade of Colors to Centennial Square

Ceremony At Centennial Square: The Master of Ceremonies will be Reg Galles Commander of the American Legion Post (Ketchikan) and the featured speaker is Joseph Craig of the Am. Legion. Laying of the poppy wreaths by the Am. Legion & VFW Ladies auxiliaries will close the ceremony.

The American Legion will hold an open house after the ceremony until 1:00 pm. Then from 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm the VFW will hold an open house.


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