Sitnews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Inspirational Tale

The Lightening Storm
By George Miller, A true story


January 22, 2003
Wednesday - 6:55 pm

About 20 years ago I was cutting timber in North Idaho, near the Canadian border on a high mountain. Two of us rode to work together two hours daily, giving me ample time to preach the good news of Jesus Christ to my passenger. After a couple of weeks he lost his temper and told me quit talking about how to be saved from sin. So I prayed silently for God to make him more willing to listen. That very day, about 10 A.M., a violent lightening storm came over the ridge, causing us to run down to our rig and head down the mountain. We were driving with the windows open, as it was a hot day. A mile or two down we came to a place where there was a huge Yellow Pine very close to the road. The moment we were right next to it lightening struck that tree with an ear-splitting crack. A piece of bark flew in the open passenger window, across in front of our faces, and out my driver's window, barely missing our faces. Another had banged the side of the rig, and others had hit the windshield. My work mate screamed in terror as the strong smell of ozone filled the rig. My first reaction was to yell the name of Jesus. My second was to be amazed that the piece of bark had missed us (it was the size of a large grapefruit), and my third was to tell Don how fortunate he was to have been with a Christian, otherwise he could be dead and headed for hell right this minute. He had partially regained his composure by then and said, " O.K! I'm ready to listen, you can talk about Jesus and the Gospel all you want". He became very teachable from that day on. Hmmm, I wonder if anyone is praying that God would get your attention and help you be more open to the truth of Jesus?



©2003 George Miller


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