Sitnews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Essay Contest

What America Means To Me
by Katherine Sweetman
Ketchikan, Alaska
Elementary 3rd-6th Category (5th grade)


December 1, 2001

America to me is my home, my country, my freedom. America will always be a country that I will respect throughout my whole life. America is free and strong.

America to me may seem the greatest, but other countries around the world hate America. Proud To Be An AmericanThey pray, live, teach and raise their children different than we do it and they think that their way is the best way to do various things. But we do it our way and that's why they hate us. They don't like the way we pray, live, teach and raise our children. So they hate us and the way they respond to that is by terrorism. An example of terrorism would be the attacks that happened on September 11, 2001. That sad and fateful day was the death date of thousands of people - people that lived for and earned their freedom in America.

Even though America has struggled through many tough times, other countries have it worse than us. Some countries aren't free, so sadly they have a hand time keeping their families together. So we're thankful for the work others have done to help our country be better.

Our veterans have done so much work for America. They've risked their lives to go into war, fought for America's victory, and so many other things. We should respect our veterans and pray for them. They had to try to hurt the other side's warriors and risk trying that without getting hurt themselves.

America is always where I will live. America should be respected by all people that live in America. America to me, to my family and to Americans means freedom. I hope America never changes and I hope I will always live in America, no matter where I visit or go.

"My country tis' of thee
Sweet land of Liberty
Of thee I sing
Land where my fathers died
Land of the pilgrim's pride
From every mountainside,
Let freedom ring."



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