Sitnews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


Pets Are Wonderful

by Val Surbey - Adult Category
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada



Our Amber is a rescue dog of questionable breed. She's now 5 years old and a barker. A high pitched barker. She's also been tormented by the squirrels outside of our house. A couple of months ago the boys, my husband and Amber were in the backyard. The squirrels were jumping from tree to tree and running along the fence. One aimed for another branch, and missed. Amber had that squirrel in a hot second and it ended up going to squirrel heaven. We told the boys the squirrel was in shock. Fortunately another showed up shortly after that so we've been able to let the boys think it recovered. In short, Amber is a space cadet.


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