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Campaign 2002 - Interactive Feature

Questions From Readers To Ketchikan Borough Assembly Candidates

Responses By Michael J. Sallee
About Michael J. Sallee


Mike Sallee

Question #1 For Assembly Candidates: Published Saturday - September 7, 2002 - 11:46 pm

Do you consider yourself to be pro development and if so, what type of economic development do you favor and what type of development are you opposed to?


Mike Sallee - Response to Question #1 - Published Friday - September 20, 2002

We as a gateway community have a high quality of life and are well positioned to attract the brainpower and service industries predicted to be the growth industries of the future. We have had two professors, several physicians and a borough manager applicant state it was the quality of life that attracted them to this community. We must retain those assets that give us the advantage over other communities. Enhancing the deep water port of Ward Cove should be a priority. I support enhancing those industries that already exist. The timber industry doesn't need to be grand scale, for example we can get more jobs out of a tree if we mill it locally and open a furniture factory as has been suggested by an artist recognized by the Smithsonian. In many ways bigger is not necessarily better.



Question # 2 For Assembly Candidates:Published Tuesday - September 10, 2002 - 7:00 pm

Given less funding and the likely need to further cut services, what services would you reduce or cut first?


Mike Sallee - Response to Question #2 - Published Friday - September 20, 2002

The federal and state lobbyist position. We have representatives in DC and Juneau that are supposed to be listening to our needs. Why are we paying another person to do their job? I would like a town meeting to hear peoples' viewpoints prior to cutting services that would affect their quality of life. Those recipients of borough funds that are most able to pay their own way should.



Question # 3 For Assembly Candidates:Published Tuesday - September 10, 2002 - 7:00 pm

What is the most serious challenge facing the Ketchikan Borough and how would you address this challenge?


Mike Sallee - Response to Question #3 - Published Friday - September 20, 2002

Recognizing and utilizing the assets we have in this community. This includes not only tangible resources like fish, trails, quiet places, clean air and water but also those incredible assets in our citizens. The pioneering spirit in Alaskans and their ability to help each other in a crisis.



Question # 4 For Assembly Candidates: Published Tuesday - September 10, 2002 - 7:00 pm

Should the voters eliminate term limits for the Assembly? If so, what do you think would be the benefits to the community?


Mike Sallee - Response to Question #4 - Published Friday - September 20, 2002

No. It is argued that those with experience need to stay in power however, I feel it's healthier in the long run for that power and responsibility to be distributed among more people. This would benefit our community by developing a broader vision than we have presently.



Question # 5 For Assembly Candidates: Published Tuesday - September 10, 2002 - 7:00 pm

Should the Assembly members be paid more for their service? If so, what amount would you consider appropriate?


Mike Sallee - Response to Question #5 - Published Friday - September 20, 2002

No. There is not enough money around to compensate for all the time and energy one devotes to this job - that's why they call it public service. If it becomes a high paying job only the wealthy will govern. And our golden rule will be "He with the gold makes the rules."



Question # 6 For All Candidates: Published Wednesday - September 18, 2002 - 7:40 pm

During the interviews of the school board candidates on KRBD, the issue of violence in our schools was brought up as a reason that some parents are seeking alternatives to education other than public schools. I'm concerned about the level of abuse that seems to occur in the schools and wonder what thoughts the school board and borough candidates have about adopting a policy of zero tolerance in our schools for any form of abuse including verbal as well as physical and sexual.


Mike Sallee - Response to Question #6 - Published Friday - September 20, 2002

Assembly members pass the budget for the school district and oversee maintenance and construction for our schools. We do not pass policy.



Question # 7 For Assembly & Mayoral Candidates: Published Thursday - September 19, 2002 - 2:30 pm

The Gateway Forest Products bankruptcy has dominated front page news over the years, and has consumed tens of millions of dollars of Borough money. How do the candidates feel about the past decisions and future consequences of this issue?


Mike Sallee - Response to Question #7 - Published Friday - September 20, 2002

I think that the borough has gone way overboard in involving itself in the affairs of private enterprise. However there is very little remaining in the disaster monies for us to repeat this boondoggle.



Question # 9 For Assembly Candidates: Published Thursday - September 19, 2002 - 2:30 pm

Given that the borough is so rich in land what are your thoughts on returning some of the land to the landless Indians of Ketchikan?


Mike Sallee - Response to Question #9 - Published Monday - September 23, 2002

Had the current dominant culture really valued the land and its indigenous inhabitants our surroundings would probably be much different. The Borough assembly would probably be meeting in Saxman and have a much larger indigenous component in its membership.

Be that as it may, I'm not particularly enthused about the corporate model created by ANCSA. Native Corporations should not be able to select land, sometimes outside of their historical and traditional boundaries, strip that land of its timber, and then trade it for more timbered land to exercise further corporate consumptiveness. It's a form of sanctioned genocide.



Question # 10 For Assembly Candidates: Published Thursday - September 19, 2002 - 2:30 pm

Recent news reports indicate that Washington state is experiencing one of the largest unemployment rates in the Nation . How can Ketchikan compete with cities and counties in Washington state that are trying to attract new business and industry?


Mike Sallee - Response to Question #10 - Published Monday - September 23, 2002

See my answer to #3. For additional comments please view my statements in the "About" Assembly Candidates.



Question # 11 For All Candidates: Published Thursday - September 19, 2002 - 2:30 pm

Our community focuses on the importance of 'Youth Asset Building' - I would like to know that our elected officials set a good example. Have any of the candidates been charged for any serious violations of the law other than for minor traffic tickets.


Mike Sallee - Response to Question #11 - Published Monday - September 23, 2002

I haven't.



Question # 12 For Assembly Candidates: Published Friday - September 20, 2002 -8:00 pm

I understand that Ketchikan is the secret owner of a priceless and fairly uncommon natural treasure, the protected deepwater cove that we call Ward Cove. I also understand that this resource has the potential to generate a great deal of much-needed income for the community of Ketchkan if we established a nothern marine amenities base so vessels don't have to travel all the way to Seattle to get what they require in maintenance, repairs, replacement parts, etc. And yet, I have watched as the Assembly has invested large amounts of taxpayer money in returning Ward Cove to a past forestry industry that has no foreseeable future in this region due to a decimated market, a market that won't cut the lumber it has contracted here, because they can't sell it for what it would cost them to cut it. I've seen the Assembly try to divest itself of Ward Cove when it came into its possession due to the default of the aforementioned veneer mill, and now the Assembly appears to be trying to make it into a garbage dump.

My questions are:

  • Is that the best we can do with what is clearly an incredible asset in our possession?
  • Are we taking steps to make sure we aren't assigning one-of-a-kind resources to the wrong use, ruining chances for future marine economic activities that can only occur in already-allocated space?
  • Are we making any kind of plan at all, to explore the potential marine industrial, maintenance and commercial needs we can meet besides fishing?
  • In short, what are the Assembly's plans for this incredible resource that they have at their disposal, and what ideas would you bring to the table?


Mike Sallee - Response to Question #12 - Published Monday - September 23, 2002

I didn't think it was a secret anymore but maybe. There are many liabilities with that nugget that the general public doesn't seem to be aware of. There is a projected cost for clean up of the asbestos exceeding 3 million dollars - however it is still contained and only needs to be removed if a business wishes to occupy the building. There is a cost associated with a permit to discharge any material into Ward Cove because it is listed as an impaired water body. The public needs to understand that there is only so much oxygen available. Even Ward Cove Packing that has been operating for decades is in jeopardy due to the tenuous state of the cove. Once the chosen mode - natural remediation takes place (projected 20 years) I can envision any number of businesses. However that won't be in my term or lifetime. Perhaps we as a community can demand a reassessment of the recovery data and demand a cleanup that will accelerate our ability to use this deep-water port. More comments can be viewed in my statement regarding local issues. "About" Assembly Candidates.



Question # 13 For All Candidates: Published Sunday - September 22, 2002 -3:50 pm

Would you recommend to all the citizens of Ketchikan that they support building a bridge to Gravina? If so, what would you say to community members about the short-term and long-term benefits to the community as a whole? If you support building a bridge, will you or your family personally benefit monetarily from bridge construction or do you or your family own property on Gravina?


Mike Sallee - Response to Question #13 - Published Monday - September 23, 2002

My family does own property on Gravina. My mother homesteaded there in the early sixties. We will not profit from any bridge alternative, as the homestead is very distant from the proposed crossings and associated development. How could I endorse such a project that by the studies will decrease employment, endanger ship and airplane traffic and cost us the taxpayers 200 million dollars in federal and state dollars. There are too many other pressing needs for Revillagigedo. More of my bridge comments are in "About" Assembly Candidates.



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