Sitnews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


FAA Says Federal Officers Not To Replace Local Airport's LEP
by Dick Kauffman


April 05, 2002
Friday - 8:10 pm

During a telephone interview this morning with Dimi Tsamis who is a Supervisor in the Civil Aviation Security Field Office of the Federal Aviation Administration's Regional Security Division in Anchorage, Tsamis was asked about a memo written by David Allen in which he stated that local Law Enforcement Personnel (LEP) would be replaced by federal officers. David Allen is the Director of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough's Department of Transportation Services.

In an April 3rd memo to Airport Personnel and Tenants Allen wrote that the FAA's Transportation Security Administration (TSA) plans for federal officers to take over the job duties of Ketchikan International Airport's Law Enforcement Personnel (LEP) by November 2002. In response to Allen's statement, Tsamis said federal officers would not be replacing the Ketchikan Law Enforcement Personnel (LEP). She said the plan is for the federal officer or officers assigned to assist and/or back-up Ketchikan International Airport's Law Enforcement Personnel (LEP).

Tsamis received a faxed copy of the April 3rd memo issued by Director Allen and said she would be contacting him regarding the role of federal officers. The need for quick law enforcement response by the local Law Enforcement Personnel (LEP) will not change in November 2002, according to Tsamis.

During the interview, Tsamis added that the screening process of boarding airline passengers would be accomplished by federal employees beginning in November 2002. She stated that these federal employees would be replacing the current Alaska Airlines' screening personnel.


Related Story:

Changes To Ferry, Terminal and Airport Operations Announced - Job Cuts Among Changes Announced By Director of KGB-DOT

Related Information:

April 03, 2002 Letter - David Allen, Director of KGB Department of Transportation -----Services



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