Sitnews - Stories in the News - Ketchikan, Alaska


"Play it Safe! The Game of Life"
Alaskans For Drug Free Youth (ADFY) Conference Announced
"Vision Warrior" Scot Anthony Robinson Keynote Speaker...


April 08, 2002
Monday - 12:10 am

Scot Anthony RobinsonKasey Kelly and Valoree Price, Prevention Educators with Alaskans For Drug Free Youth (ADFY), report that Ketchikan's youth are hard at work planning the annual Alaskans For Drug Free Youth (ADFY) conference. This year's conference theme is "Play it Safe! The Game of Life."

Kelly and Price remarked that the ADFY youth group has planned "fun-filled workshops to be facilitated by our youth staff, and educational workshops to be facilitated by local professionals." The ADFY conference will have family groups, an outrageous "no-talent" talent show, silly and serious skits and a variety of other activities that will teach essential lessons about drug and alcohol use as well as tools (for example- refusal and coping skills) which are designed to aid in a healthy decision making process which leads to living a healthy substance free lifestyle.

The keynote speaker this year is the "Vision Warrior" Scot Anthony Robinson. The Vision Warrior is praised for his powerful and dramatic lecture-presentation which strikes at the heart of substance abuse. The ADFY news release states that "Scot Anthony Robinson forces us to identify with him and to peer inside ourselves as he addresses issues such as fear, self esteem, peer pressure, curiosity, experimentation, family dynamics and relationships."

According to Kelly and Price, ADFY is "anticipating a great turnout, and an incredible load of fun." They say the ADFY conference is in need of support from adults and adults are invited to share their talents with the youth of Ketchikan! If you are interested in helping, participation could range from joining the "lock in" (camping out at the school with the group for 48 hours), to helping in the kitchen with meals, being an Adult staff which includes being a family group co-facilitator, or chaperoning the dance, leading an educational workshop, or helping with a fun-filled one. Adults are invited to participate in whatever capacity in which they feel comfortable. Kelly and Price stated in their announcement of the upcoming event, "One thing is for sure, no matter what role you choose in the conference - you're guaranteed a good time!

Training will be provided for anyone who chooses to participate in the entirety of the conference - day and night participants or for those who just participate during the day. The training is scheduled for April 11th, from 5:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Church of Latter Day Saints - 2900 5th Ave, Near Ketchikan Public Health Center. Dinner will be provided.

The conference is being held April 12th, 13th, and 14th at Ketchikan High School and is scheduled to start at 4:30 pm Friday and continue until noon on Sunday.

If you are interested in participating as an adult staff, signing up your kids, or have questions contact Alaskans for Drug Free Youth.



Scot Anthony Robinson is the "Vision Warrior" - Keynote Speaker for ADFY Conference


Source of news release:

Alaskans For Drug Free Youth
Ketchikan, Alaska


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