Mayor "taken by surprise, astonished & disappointed" by Dick Kauffman August 08, 2002
Mayor Jack Shay thanked Bethel for her above satisfactory performance immediately after reconvening the meeting at approximately 10 pm. Assemblymember George Lybrand followed Mayor Shay's comment with a motion to terminate the Borough Clerk effective August 16th with 4 weeks severance pay. When the roll was called by the Borough Clerk, Assemblymember Maggie Sarber was the first to vote and she passed. Assemblymembers Richard Burton, Mike Salazar, Mike Sallee and George Lybrand voted yes. Assemblymember Sam Bergeron voted no. Sarber was the last to vote casting a vote of yes. Assemblymember Richard Coose was not present. Immediately after the 5-1 vote to terminate the Borough Clerk, Bethel left the table and remarked to the Assembly as she walked out of the chamber that she would clean her office out on Tuesday and they would be hearing from her lawyer. The meeting was then adjourned. Mayor Jack Shay nor Susan Bethel could be reached for comment Tuesday morning.
In a phone interview Tuesday afternoon, Mayor Jack Shay commented on the vote by the Assembly to terminate the Borough Clerk. Shay said he was "taken by surprise, astonished and disappointed." In response to a question about the Mayor's brief comment regarding Bethel's above satisfactory performance made at last night's meeting which was interrupted by Lybrand's motion, Shay explained that there were two factors in the performance rating. In factor one, he said the Borough Clerk was slightly above satisfactory and in the second factor which dealt with supervisory and related skills, Shay noted that Bethel was slightly below satisfactory in this area with "development" needed.
Related Story: The
Ketchikan Borough Assembly on Monday evening voted to fire Borough
Clerk Susan Bethel. As Deanna Garrison reports, Bethel
worked for the Ketchikan Gateway Borough for fourteen years and
was hired as Borough Clerk in 1997. (MP3)