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Sitnews Essay Contest: Winners Announced
Ideals of Liberty, Democracy & Freedom...
Information about the essay contest.


Wednesday - 2:20 pm
December 12, 2001

Proud To Be An AmericanFirst, a special thank you to every one who entered the contest and to the four community members who agreed to served as judges. Certainly this was a difficult task for the judges!

In determining the winners, the judges considered what the writer had to say as well as if the essays met the guidelines as set out for eligibility. Essays were to reflect on:

  • The importance of the ideals of liberty, democracy and freedom that America's Veterans have defended for over two centuries.......or
  • What being an American means to me.....

    Community members who served as essay judges were:

    Judy Jenkinson
    Sal Beraldi
    Jim & Kerry Rasmussen


    Essay Winners As Selected By The Judges:


    Adult Category: $100.00

    Diana Chaudhary - Ketchikan, Alaska
    An Essay on the Meaning of Being an American


    Middle School Category: $50.00

    Gresha Azizi - Ketchikan, Alaska
    What Being An American Means To Me


    Elementary 3rd - 6th Grade Category: $25.00

    Katherine Sweetman - Ketchikan, Alaska
    What America Means To Me


    Elementary K - 2nd Grade Category: $25.00

    Jeanette Isabel Sweetman - Ketchikan, Alaska
    What Being An American Means To Me


    Congratulations to the winners and a most sincere thank you to all the 'Proud To Be Americans' who entered the essay contest.

    Sitnews will be sponsoring another essay contest in the near future - check back for more details.



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