- Calendar
March 2002 - Women's History Month ------ American Red Cross Month
Ketchikan Visitors Bureau Local Calendar
KGBSD School Calendar 2001-2002
HATS Schedule Homework Assistance, Tutoring & Snacks
Saxman Breakfast Club -Monday through Thursday 6:30 - 8:45 a.m. at the Tribal House
The Arts This Week
Deadline for applications: KIC - Career
Development Facilitator Training6:00 pm - Planning & Zoning Board Meeting - Ted Ferry Civic Center...
The State of Alaska Department of Transportation will be providing a presentation on the Gravina Access Project. Public testimony will be taken. The public is invited to attend the meeting.
Noon - Multi-cultural awareness group meeting - 4th floor conference room at KIC. Public is welcome.
4:00 pm - 8:00 pm DOT/PF Open House Gravina Access Project - Ted Ferry Civic - Learn more about the Gravina Access project - HDR Project Manager Mark Dalton & DOT&PF Project Manager Roger Healy will be available to provide information & answer questions. An opportunity to provide public comments.
5:00 pm - Ketchikan Economic Development Authority - Regular meeting - City Council Chambers - Gravina Access Project: From 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. representatives from DOT, HDR, Northern Economics, Glosten & Associates, and the Northwest Cruiseship Association will be present for a Question and Answer Session with the KEDA Board on the proposed bridge. The public is invited to attend the meeting.
6:00 pm - KGB School Board Budget Workshop - Ketchikan High School Library - Purpose: Initial presentation to the School Board of the FY2003 budget.
Inter-Faith Devotions every Friday at the Salmon Landing Espresso "The Edge." Brown bag Lunch 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm. Free
complimentory coffee and tea. Hosted by Baha'is.SE Alaska Discovery Center - Friday Night Insight Program
6:00 pm - Friday - March 1 - Women's History Month - Elizabeth Peratrovich - Wonderful Accomplishments by a Wonderful Woman Slide Show - Ketchikan Resource Center - In honor of Women's History Month & Elizabeth Peratrovich Day (Feb. 16), Barbara Bean will narrate a slide show on the life of her great aunt, Elizabeth Peratrovich. Dessert & coffee will follow.
The United States Coast Guard Appreciation Day
10-noon - Saturday - March 2 - Saturday - Ketchikan Watercolor Society - First Lutheran Church Annex. program: Skyscapes with Susan Copeland and Elizabeth Rose Chambers.
Noon - Teacher Negotiations - Ketchikan High School Library
The Arts This WeekMarch 4 - 8
KGBSD Benchmark, HSGQE & Terra Nova Testing in grades 1 - 12March 4 - 15 Advanced Northwest Coast Carving: Dance Rattle with Duane Pasco, Totem Heritage Center. For more information or to register call 907-225-5900.
9:00 am - Teacher Negotiations - City Council Chambers
5:30 pm KGB Assembly Meeting - City Council Chambers
March 5 - 15 Advanced Northwest Coast Design with Duane Pasco, Totem Heritage Center. For more information or to register call 907-225-5900.
6:00 pm KGBSD Budget Workshop - Ketchikan High School Library
6:00 pm - Gravina Access Project: Joint meeting of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly, Saxman City Council & the Ketchikan City Council - Ted Ferry Civic Center - Project managers Roger Healy & Mark Dalton will appear before this body. The public is invited to attend the meeting.
6:00 pm KGBSD Budget Workshop - Ketchikan High School Library
7:00 pm - City Council Meeting - Ketchikan City Council Chambers
Agenda & Council Packet
6:00 pm KGBSD Budget Workshop - Ketchikan High School Library
Inter-Faith Devotions every Friday at the Salmon Landing Espresso "The Edge." Brown bag Lunch 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm. Free
complimentory coffee and tea. Hosted by Baha'is.9
March 9 - 20 Beginning Chilkat Weaving with Evelyn Vanderhoop, Totem Heritage Center. For more information or to register call 907-225-5900.
The Arts This Week12
6:00 pm KGB Planning Commission Meeting - City Council Chambers
Parlons Chez Nous
La Vie en Rose
mercredi, le 13 mars
Chez Gregory Fast
225-69926:00 pm - Ketchikan School Board - Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Kanayama students arrive in Ketchikan
Noon - Alaska Hummingbird Festival Planning Meeting - Southeast Alaska Discovery Center in the Trip Planning room. Bring your brown bag lunch to the planning meeting. Call 228-6247 for more info.
6:00 pm Ketchikan School Board - Executive Session for Negotiations - Ketchikan High School Library
6:30 pm Ketchikan Economic Development Authority regular meeting - City Council Chambers - 344 Front St. - The public is invited to attend the meeting.
9:00 am Ketchikan School Board Negotiations with KEA - City Council Chambers (School Board may meet in Executive Session to discuss negotiations.)
Inter-Faith Devotions every Friday at the Salmon Landing Espresso "The Edge." Brown bag Lunch 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm. Free
complimentory coffee and tea. Hosted by Baha'is.16
9:00 am Ketchikan School Board Negotiations with KEA - Ketchikan High School Library (School Board may meet in Executive Session to discuss negotiations.)
17 18
The Arts This WeekMarch 18 -24 Traumatic Stress Week
6:00 pm Gravina Access Project: Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly will be asked by DOT&PF Project Manager Roger Healy to approve a resolution stating the community's preferred Gravina crossing. The public is invited to attend the meeting.
5:30 pm KGB Assembly Meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda html format
5:30 pm LEPC - City Council Chambers
6:30 pm Indian Education Advisory Committee Meeting - Pre-school room at White Cliff Elementary School
KGBSD Preschool Screening - March 20th - 22nd - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
6:00 pm City of Saxman Regular Meeting
6:00 pm Ketchikan School Board - Special Session - Room 105 Ketchikan High School - Purpose: To discuss & possibly take action on the school district budget.
KGBSD Preschool Screening - March 20th - 22nd - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
7:00 pm - City Council Meeting - Ketchikan City Council Chambers
Agenda & Council Packet
KGBSD End of Quarter
KGBSD Preschool Screening - March 20th - 22nd - Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
KGBSD Schoenbar Wrestling Tournament - March 22nd -23rd
Kayhi Drama Troupe Presents "Ramona Quimby" - Kayhi Auditorium - March 22nd -23rd
Inter-Faith Devotions every Friday at the Salmon Landing Espresso "The Edge." Brown bag Lunch 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm. Free
complimentory coffee and tea. Hosted by Baha'is.23
KGBSD Schoenbar Wrestling Tournament - March 22nd -23rd
Kayhi Drama Troupe Presents "Ramona Quimby" - Kayhi Auditorium - March 22nd -23rd
24 25
The Arts This WeekSeward's Day - State Holiday
KGBSD - Spring Break March 25th -29th
No School26
Kanayama Students Leave
6:00 pm KGB Planning Commission Platting Board - City Council Chambers
6:00 pm - Ketchikan School Board - Meeting If Needed - City Council Chambers
First Day of Passover
Good Friday
Inter-Faith Devotions every Friday at the Salmon Landing Espresso "The Edge." Brown bag Lunch 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm. Free
complimentory coffee and tea. Hosted by Baha'is.30 31
April 2002 Child Abuse Prevention Month -------Health Fair Month April 6 -Saturday - Ketchikan Watercolor Society - 10am-Noon - First Lutheran Church Annex - Demo by Dick Miller
April 8 - 19 - Cedar Bark Weaving with Diane Willard. For more information or to register contact the Totem Heritage Center at 907-225-5900.
April 11 - 20 - Carver's Tool Making with Steve Brown. For more information or to register contact the Totem Heritage Center at 907-225-5900.
April 19-21 - Alaska Hummingbird Festival - Check back for more information as details are announced.
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February 2002 -----January 2002-------December 2001-------November 2001
October 2001 ------September 2001 ------August 2001 Calendar ----- July 2001 Calendar
June 2001 Calendar ------May 2001 Calendar -------April 2001 Calendar
- If you would like to publish an upcoming event on this calendar, fax your information to Sitnews at 225-8590 or click on the graphic to email your information.