- Calendar
April 2002 - ----Child Abuse Prevention Month -------Health Fair Month------Organ Donation Awareness Month
Sexual Assault Awareness Month------Living Cultural Treasures Month April 19th-21st: 7th Annual Alaska Hummingbird Festival
Ketchikan Visitors Bureau Local Calendar
KGBSD School Calendar 2001-2002
HATS Schedule Homework Assistance, Tutoring & Snacks
Saxman Breakfast Club -Monday through Thursday 6:30 - 8:45 a.m. at the Tribal House
The Arts This Week5:30 KGB Assembly Meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda (text)
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5:30 pm Board of Equalization - City Council Chambers - A list of appellants is available from the Assessment Department. The public is invited to attend the meeting.
6:00 pm - Ketchikan School Board Work Session to hear a proposal & discussion concerning an additional Charter School (Tongass Elementary School of Arts & Sciences) - Ketchikan High School Library
7:00 pm - City Council Meeting - Ketchikan City Council Chambers
Agenda & Council Packet
Inter-Faith Devotions every Friday at the Salmon Landing Espresso "The Edge." Brown bag Lunch 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm. Free
complimentory coffee and tea. Hosted by Baha'is.SE Alaska Discovery Center - Friday Night Insight Program
Note: The Friday Night Insight program for April 5, has been cancelled. The scheduled speaker missed his flight out of Anchorage. Friday Night Insight will resume as scheduled next week, April 12, with "Old Times Revisited," about the Passports in Time archeology program in Southeast Alaska.6
10am-Noon Ketchikan Watercolor Society - First Lutheran Church Annex - Demo by Dick Miller
Disabled Veterans Winter Sports Week
April 7th - 14th: Days of Remembrance
The Arts This Week6:00 pm TALK 2: Teens & Adults Linking in Ketchikan... Ketchikan High School commons
April 8 - 19 - Cedar Bark Weaving with Diane Willard. For more information or to register contact the Totem Heritage Center at 907-225-5900.
6:00 pm Planning Commission Meeting - City Council Chambers
10th - 12th Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm - Positive Indian Parenting: Every Wednesday Starting April 10, 2002 - Ketchikan Indian Community - 4th Floor Conference Room. This training will be co-facilitated with a select group of elders. An eight week parenting program to help children grow up healthy and strong. Honoring our Children By Honoring our Traditions.
6:00 pm - Ketchikan School Board - Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
April 11 - 20 - Carver's Tool Making with Steve Brown. For more information or to register contact the Totem Heritage Center at 907-225-5900.
12:00 p.m - The Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly Airport Affairs Committee and the Rates & Charges Committee meeting - City Council Chambers. They will be discussing general airport affairs. The public is invited to attend the meeting.
Inter-Faith Devotions every Friday at the Salmon Landing Espresso "The Edge." Brown bag Lunch 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm. Free
complimentory coffee and tea. Hosted by Baha'is.13
9:30am to 5:30pm Red Cross CPR and First Aid classes will be held at the Ketchikan Youth Court in the Plaza Mall. Call 1-800-966-2808 to reserve space.
The Arts This Week4:15 pm Language Arts Curriculum Committee Meeting - Kayhi Library
5:30 pm KGB Assembly Meeting - City Council Chambers - 5 year budget model to Assembly
Agenda (text)16
5:30 LEPC Meeting - City Council Chambers
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm - Positive Indian Parenting: Every Wednesday - Eight week program (started April 10, 2002) Ketchikan Indian Community - 4th Floor Conference Room. This training will be co-facilitated with a select group of elders. An eight week parenting program to help children grow up healthy and strong. Honoring our Children By Honoring our Traditions.
6:00 pm - City of Saxman Regular Meeting
April 17th - 21st: Administrative Professionals Week
5:30 pm KGB Assembly Special meeting/Work Session - City Council Conference Room -- Special business: (a)recess to work session to discuss direction for borough Manager Candidates and/or interview process. (b) Reconvene to formally consider:direction for borough manager Candidates and/or interview process. Citizens remarks will be heard.
7:00 pm - City Council Meeting - Ketchikan City Council Chambers
Agenda & Council Packet
8:00 am - 1:00 pm Kindergarten Registration - Kayhi Auxiliary Gym - Don't forget birth certificates & immunization records.
April 19th-21st Alaska Hummingbird Festival
Inter-Faith Devotions every Friday at the Salmon Landing Espresso "The Edge." Brown bag Lunch 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm. Free
complimentory coffee and tea. Hosted by Baha'is.20
April 19th-21st Alaska Hummingbird Festival
Ketchikan's Annual Spring Clean-Up Week - April 20-27, 2002...
April 19th-21st Alaska Hummingbird Festival
National Organ & Tissue Donor Awareness Week
April 22nd - 26th KGBSD - Gates MacGinitie Reading Tests for kindergarten through sixth grades
Ketchikan's Annual Spring Clean-Up Week - April 20-27, 2002...
12:00 noon Creek Street Historic District Architectural Design & Review Board - City Council Chambers
5:30 KGB Board of Equalization - City council chambers 334 Front Street. A list of appellants is available from the Assessment Dept. - The public is invited to attend.
10:00 am - Ketchikan Economic Development Authority Will Interview Candidates for the KEDA Executive Director position - City Council Chambers
Ketchikan's Annual Spring Clean-Up Week - April 20-27, 2002...
6:00 pm KGB Planning Commission Platting Board - City Council Chambers
6:00 pm KGBSD Curriculum Advisory Committee Meeting - Kayhi Library
7:00 pm Friends of the Ketchikan Public Library Annual Meeting - Annex
Ketchikan's Annual Spring Clean-Up Week - April 20-27, 2002...
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm - Positive Indian Parenting: Every Wednesday - Eight week program (started April 10, 2002) Ketchikan Indian Community - 4th Floor Conference Room. This training will be co-facilitated with a select group of elders. An eight week parenting program to help children grow up healthy and strong. Honoring our Children By Honoring our Traditions.
6:00 pm - Ketchikan School Board Special Meeting - Agenda items are: possible action on establishing an evaluation committee for the Superintendent's evaluation; and two discussion items - a proposal for a new charter school and the district's complaint process - City Council Chambers
25th - 27th Southeast Music Festival - Kayhi Auditorium
Ketchikan's Annual Spring Clean-Up Week - April 20-27, 2002...
6:30 pm - Ketchikan Economic Development Authority regular meeting - City Council Chambers
25th - 27th Southeast Music Festival - Kayhi Auditorium
Ketchikan's Annual Spring Clean-Up Week - April 20-27, 2002...
Inter-Faith Devotions every Friday at the Salmon Landing Espresso "The Edge." Brown bag Lunch 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm. Free
complimentory coffee and tea. Hosted by Baha'is.27
25th - 27th Southeast Music Festival - Kayhi Auditorium
1:00 pm - Laidlaw School Bus Rodeo - Note: Administrators & Board Members have been invited to attend. - Laidlaw Bus Yard
Ketchikan's Annual Spring Clean-Up Week - April 20-27, 2002...
Missoula Children's Theatre begins a week of performing and workshops with Schoenbar and other elementary schools.
Borough Budget presented to Clerk's Office for Assembly...
30 0 0 April 2002 National Volunteers Week: April 21 - 28, 2002 - This week is a time to honor those men and women who make life a little better in communities around the nation, by the work they do without pay to help others. It's National Volunteers Week. This is also a time for individuals, families and groups to think about getting involved to solve problems in their own area. More than half of us do some sort of volunteer work, with about 6 out of 10 women taking part. This also is a strong trend across all age groups. More than 4 out of 10 of those 75 and over give of their time and effort. The average volunteer contributes 3 * hours of time a week - with religious, youth and educational organizations the main beneficiaries. (Source U.S. Census Bureau)
May 2002 Nobody Gets Hurt Month May 4, 2002 from 10 am - noon: Ketchikan Watercolor Society meets for the last time before summer recess Saturday, First Lutheran Church Annex. Susan Copeland will demonstrate underglazing techniques in preparation for a workshop scheduled in September with Judi Betts. New members are always welcome. Come ready to paint.
May 6, 2002 - 12:00 noon: The Creek Street Historic District Architectural Design & Review Board will be meeting - City of Ketchikan Council Chambers.
May 8, 2002 - 6:00 pm: Ketchikan School Board Meeting - City Council Chambers
June 2002 Cultural Month
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March 2002 -----February 2002 -----January 2002-------December 2001-------November 2001
October 2001 ------September 2001 ------August 2001 Calendar ----- July 2001 Calendar
June 2001 Calendar ------May 2001 Calendar -------April 2001 Calendar
- If you would like to publish an upcoming event on this calendar, fax your information to Sitnews at 225-8590 or click on the graphic to email your information.