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Pets Are Wonderful Contest: Winners Announced
Information about the PAW contest.


Monday - 7:45 pm
February 11, 2002

First, a special thank you to every one who entered the Pets Are Wonderful contest and to the four community members who agreed to served as judges. Choosing the most wonderful pet out of all the wonderful pets entered certainly must have been a challenging task for the judges!

In determining the winners, the judges considered the photo and the comments submitted for each entry. Entries receiving the largest number of votes were named as the winners. The community members who served as PAW judges were:

M.J. Turek
Dr. Fran Good
Diane Gubatayao
Ruth Ann Hart


PAW Winners As Selected By The Judges:


Adult Category (18 - 100+) - Winner will receive $50.00

Cindy Rader - Ketchikan, Alaska
Buttercup and Gumpy

Grace Kirkwood - Craig, Alaska


Young Adult Category (13-17) - Winner will receive $25.00

Vicky Pilcher - Ketchikan, Alaska
Miss Piggy & Ziggy tied


Youth Category (12 or under)- Winner will receive $25.00

Nathanael Mathis- Wrangell, Alaska

Leo Azizi - Ketchikan, Alaska


Congratulations to the winners and a most sincere thank you to everyone who entered the Pets Are Wonderful Contest. Sitnews officially certifies all the PETS as Wonderful!

Sitnews will be sponsoring another contest in the near future - check back for more details.



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