- Calendar
September - October 2003 :
If you would like to publish an upcoming event on this calendar, FAX your information to Sitnews at 225-8590
or e-mail your information to
Profile America - Charleston Earthquake [script]
Other Calendars:
Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce Calendar
Totem Heritage Center
Events & Schedules
Ketchikan Visitors Bureau: Local Calendar
Ketchikan School District:
School Calendar 2003-2004 (pdf)
The Arts This Week (schedule of local events updated weekly)
Alaska Discovery Center - Friday Night Insight Programs
Auto-post your events & announcements on Sitnews
Profile America - Labor Day [script]
Labor Day
National Payroll Week
Profile America - Paper Boys [script]
KGBSD - School begins
5:30 pm - KGB Assembly Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Information Packet:
- Item 2a
- Item 2b
- Item 2c
- Item 4a
- Item 4b
- Item 4c
- Item 6
- Item 7a
- Item 9a
- Item 9b
- Item 9c
- Item 9d
- Item 9e
- Item 9f
- Item 9g
- Item 9h
- Item 10a
- Item 12a
- Item 12b
- Item 12 c
Profile America - Potatoes [script]
10:00 am - 6:00 pm - Gravina Access Project staff will be available at the project office (430 Dock Street). Come review the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). Request a copy of the DEIS and the appendices. Look at the scale model of the proposed alternatives
Ask questions and get information about the project. - Click here to read or download the DEIS report...
Profile America - 1st Electric City Lights [script]
9:00 am - 5:00 pm - Gravina Access Project staff will be available at the project office (430 Dock Street). Come review the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS). Request a copy of the DEIS and the appendices. Look at the scale model of the proposed alternatives
Ask questions and get information about the project. - Click here to read or download the DEIS report...7:00 pm -Ketchikan City Council Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda (90K)
Information Packet (14 MB)
Profile America - Jesse James [script]
Profile America - Oddball Festivals [script]
Profile America - Grandparents Day [script]
Municipal Election -You must be registered to vote no later than September 7, 2003, in order to have your vote count in this election.
KGB Election Information click here
City of Ketchikan Election Information click here
Profile America - 1st Coast-To-Coast Airmail [script]
Profile America - California Statehood [script]
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Awareness Day
5:00 pm - Last Day to file for office for the Municipal Election - Regular Municipal Election is October 7, 2003.
KGB Election Information click here
City of Ketchikan Election Information click here
Profile America - Broadway Shows [script]
6:00 pm - Ketchikan School Board Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda (text)
Profile America - September 11 Anniversary [script]
Community Remembrance Day
Profile America - Biscuits & Honey [script]
Profile America - Star-Spangled Banner [script]
Profile America - Hispanic Heritage Month [script]
Profile America - Roy Acuff's 100th [script]
Ketchikan Assembly Meeting Date Changed: Due to Assemblymembers' attendance of Southeast Conference, the regularly scheduled Borough Assembly meeting has been changed from Sept. 15, 2003, to Sept. 22, 2003, at 5:30 pm in the City Council Chambers, 334 Front Street. The public is welcome to attend.
Profile America - NFL Founded [script]
3:00 pm - 8:00 pm - DEIS Gravina Access Project - Open House - Public open house sessions will provide an opportunity for the public to review the Draft EIS, maps, and model of project alternatives. All open house and hearing sessions will occur at the Cape Fox Hotel, 800 Venetia Way, Ketchikan. The public hearing will allow individuals 3 minutes to testify and organizations will be allowed 5 minutes to testify. Sign up for each hearing session will begin at 6:00 pm prior to each hearing.- Click here to read or download the DEIS report...
Profile America - 1st Aviation Fatality [script]
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm - DEIS Gravina Access Project - Public Hearing - An open house will occur from 5:00 - 7:00 pm before each hearing. The DOT&PF, the FHWA, and the U.S. Coast Guard are conducting the hearings jointly. Note: Persons who principally have marine navigation comments are encouraged to testify at the Sept. 17th hearing, although any EIS topic may be addressed at either hearing. Sign up for each hearing session will begin at 6:00 pm prior to each hearing - Cape Fox Hotel, 800 Venetia Way, Ketchikan.- Click here to read or download the DEIS report...
Profile America - New Cars [script]
7:00 pm - Ketchikan City Council Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda (175K)
Information Packet (31 MB)
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm - DEIS Gravina Access Project - Public Hearing - An open house will occur from 5:00 - 7:00 pm before each hearing. The DOT&PF, the FHWA, and the U.S. Coast Guard are conducting the hearings jointly. Note: Persons who principally have marine navigation comments are encouraged to testify at the Sept. 17th hearing, although any EIS topic may be addressed at either hearing. Sign up for each hearing session will begin at 6:00 pm prior to each hearing - Cape Fox Hotel, 800 Venetia Way, Ketchikan.- Click here to read or download the DEIS report...
Profile America - Racking Horse Celebration [script]
Profile America - Fall Colors [script]
1:00 pm - GIRL SCOUT FUNDRAISER - The Tongass Alaska Girl Scout Council and the Great Alaskan Lumberjack Show are sponsoring a special fundraising lumberjack show on Saturday, September 20 at 1:00PM. The special ticket price is $10.00 with all proceeds donated to the Girl Scouts of Southeast Alaska and Ketchikan. Tickets are availabe from any Board member or at any Wells Fargo Bank Branch.- For more information contact Cathy LeCompte at 209-1541.
Profile America - Rice [script]
Profile America - Ice Cream Cone's 100th [script]
5:30 pm Ketchikan Assembly Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers, 334 Front Street. The public is welcome to attend.
Information Packet:
- Item 04a
- Item 04b
- Item 05b
- Item 06
- Item 07a
- Item 07b
- Item 08b
- Item 09a
- Item 09b
- Item 09c
- Item 09d
- Item 09e
- Item 09f
- Item 09g
- Item 09h
- Item 09i
- Item 09j
- Item 12a
6:00 pm Saxman Delegate Election - Camp # 15, Alaska Native Brotherhood and Alaska Native Sisterhood will elect delegates to the Grand Camp convention 6 PM September 22 - Saxman City Hall. Dues must be paid no later than September 22 at 6 PM.
Profile America - Banned Books & Library Cards [script]
2 pm to 7 pm
- Gravina Access Project staff will be available at the project office (located at 430 Dock Street). Come review the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) Request a copy of the DEIS and the appendices;
Look at the scale model of the proposed alternatives; Ask questions and get information about the project - Click here to read or download the DEIS report...
Profile America - Television Premiers [script]
10 am to 6 pm
- Gravina Access Project staff will be available at the project office (located at 430 Dock Street). Come review the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) Request a copy of the DEIS and the appendices;
Look at the scale model of the proposed alternatives; Ask questions and get information about the project - Click here to read or download the DEIS report...6:00 pm Ketchikan School Board Meeting - Agenda (Agenda received 09/24/03 4:00 pm
Profile America - Decaf Coffee [script]
9 am to 4 pm
- Gravina Access Project staff will be available at the project office (located at 430 Dock Street). Come review the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) Request a copy of the DEIS and the appendices;
Look at the scale model of the proposed alternatives; Ask questions and get information about the project - Click here to read or download the DEIS report...26
Profile America - Johnny Appleseed [script]
Profile America - Hunting & Fishing [script]
Profile America - Ted Williams' Homer [script]
Profile America - VFW Founded [script]
September 29th - October 10th: The 7th and 8th grade students will be participating in the Schoenbar Middle School Magazine Sale. Find a good magazine or two that you and your family will enjoy reading for the coming year.
Profile America - Got Milk? [script]
1 2
7:00 pm - Ketchikan City Council Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda (93K)
Each separate item on the agenda will link to its own detail. Place your cursor over the agenda item and click to download that item.3 4
Regularly Scheduled Meetings Ketchikan Youth Court Board Meeting is held on the second Thursday of the Month at 5:00 PM at 221 The Plaza
Ketchikan Big Brothers Big Sisters Board Meeting is held the first Wednesday of the Month at 5:00 PM at 221 The Plaza
Ketchikan Lions Club Meeting is held the second Wednesday of the Month at 6:00 PM at the Best Western Landing Conference Room
Revilla Island Prevention Coalition meeting is held the second Monday of the Month at 3:30 PM at the Health Center
Eagles Aerie No. 162 - Tuesdays at 8:00 pm in the Eagles Club.
First City Rotary - Thursdays at 7:00 am in Jeremiah's.
Rotary 2000 - Tuesdays 12:00 pm at the Eagles, #7 Creek Street.
Toastmasters - Tuesdays 12:00 pm in the Youth Court at the Plaza.
October 2003 September 29th - October 10th: The 7th and 8th grade students will be participating in the Schoenbar Middle School Magazine Sale. Find a good magazine or two that you and your family will enjoy reading for the coming year.
October 2, 2003 - 7:30 pm: The Moscow Chamber Orchestra kicks off the Arts Council's concert season on October 2nd, at 7:30 pm at the Ketchikan High School Auditorium. Read more...
October 2, 2003 - 4:15 pm: Social Studies Curriculum Committee Meeting Room 133 in the Central Office at Kayhi
October 4, 2003 - Community Pictures will be taken from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm at Houghtaling School
October 7, 2003 - White Cliff Elementary School Picture Day
October 7, 2003 - MUNICIPAL ELECTION:
- KGB Election Information click here
- City of Ketchikan Election Information click here
October 8, 2003 - 6:00 pm - Regular Ketchikan School Board Meeting - City Council Chambers
October 15, 2003 - Ketchikan Charter School is sponsoring a McTeacher night at McDonalds from 5 pm to 7 pm. Bring the family for dinner.
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August 2003-----July 2003eS SJune 2003eS SMay 2003 S SApril 2003 S S
March 2003-----February 2003 SJanuary 2003S SDecember 2002 S
November 2002-----September 2002-----August 2002----- July 2002If you would like to publish an upcoming event on this calendar,
fax your information to Sitnews at 225-8590 or e-mail your information.Sitnews
Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska