- Calendar
December 2002:
If you would like to publish an upcoming event on this calendar, fax your information to Sitnews at 225-8590 or e-mail your information.
Profile America: Civil Air Patrol
Other Calendars:
The Arts (schedule of local events updated weekly)
Ketchikan Visitors Bureau: Local Calendar
Ketchikan School District:
School Calendar 2002-2003
Profile America: First Nuclear Reaction
5:00 - 8:00 pm - Art Walk Author of "Raising Ourselves" Velma Wallis signs books... Velma Wallis is also the author of Two Old Women and Bird Boy - Ketchikan Public Library
5:30 pm - KGB Assembly regular meeting - City Council Chambers
- Item 4a
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- Item 6
- Item 7a
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- Item 8b
- Item 9a
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- Item 9d
- Item 9e
- Item 9f
- FYI Items
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Financial Aid Workshop for seniors & parents - Ketchikan High School
Profile America:
Poinsettias6:00 pm - KGBSD Curriculum Advisory Committee Meeting - Central Office Room 133
7:00 pm - Ketchikan City Council special meeting - City Council Chambers - Purpose: To consider the draft 2003 general government budget and/or the draft 2003 Ketchikan Public Utilities budget . The Council will be considering capital project planning, including but not limited to: new library facilities, museum facilities, fire station facilities, electric division warehouse, potential facility and property acquisition, water and sewer infrastructure, etc. Drafts of the proposed 2003 budgets are available for public review at the City clerk's Office, 334 Front Street and at the Ketchikan Public Library. In addition, the Council will be considering the sale resolution for refunding of the Series S municipal utility revenue bonds. The public is encouraged to attend and comment.
Profile America: Chewing Gum
4:00 pm - KEDA work session - KEDA conference room 426 Main Street - Purpose: To work on an RFP for consulting services for Ward Cove Develpment Plan. The public is invited to attend.
7:00 pm - Ketchikan City Council special meeting - City Council Chambers - Purpose: To consider the draft 2003 general government budget and/or the draft 2003 Ketchikan Public Utilities budget . The Council will be considering capital project planning, including but not limited to: new library facilities, museum facilities, fire station facilities, electric division warehouse, potential facility and property acquisition, water and sewer infrastructure, etc. Drafts of the proposed 2003 budgets are available for public review at the City clerk's Office, 334 Front Street and at the Ketchikan Public Library. In addition, the Council will be considering the sale resolution for refunding of the Series S municipal utility revenue bonds. The public is encouraged to attend and comment.
Profile America: Christmas Trees
7:00 pm Ketchikan City Council regular meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda (144KB)
Packet (13.4MB)
Profile America: Holiday Season Underway
7:00 - 8:00 pm Friday Night Insight - SE Alaska Discovery Center - Annual Christmas Bird Count Program - Come join wildlife biologist Cathy Tighe for a historical review of the National Audubon Society's bird counting program and a slide show featuring common bird species found in the Ketchikan area. After the slide show, Tighe and Steve Heinl will conduct an organizational meeting for those people interested in participating in the 15th annual 2002 Ketchikan Area Christmas Bird Count scheduled for December 14.
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Reflections Art Show - White Cliff School
5:00 -8:00 pm. The Winter Art Walk Simultaneous receptions at downtown galleries and shops.
Profile America: Prohibition Ends
10am to 12pm Watercolor and Collage workshopat the Ketchikan Watercolor Society meeting, First Lutheran Church Annex.
Profile America: GM's Founder
Profile America: Grace Hopper
4:15 pm KGBSD Language Arts Curriculum Committee Meeting - Central Office Room 133
5:30 pm - KGBSD Board worksession regarding the Tongass School of Art and Science - City council chambers
Profile America: Christmas Seals
2:30 pm - 7:30 pm - Gravina Access Project Staff Available - Ketchikan Office
6:00 pm - KGB Planning Commission Platting Board regular meeting - Ketchikan City Council Chambers. The public is welcome to attend.
Profile America: First Basketball Game
11 am - 7:30 pm - Gravina Access Project Staff Available - Ketchikan Office
6:00 pm - Ketchikan School Board regular meeting - City Council Chambers
Profile America: First African- American Representative
8:30 am - 3:30 pm - Gravina Access Project Staff Available - Ketchikan Office
6:00 pm - KGBSD Board of Education - Special Session - Ketchikan High School Library - Purpose: To consider the approval of a student basketball trip to Prince Rupert and to recess into executive session to discuss negotiations with the school secretaries.
Profile America: Holiday Mailing
7:00 - 8:00 pm Friday Night Insight - SE Alaska Discovery Center - Skinning, Quartering, Cutting, and Wrapping your Deer Who should come to this program? Anyone wanting to know more about the care of game meat. Charlie Miller, Boyd Porter, John Shea, and Ricky Matthews will demonstrate the proper way to dress out your game animals. Watch them process several whole deer from beginning to end! They will also discuss techniques hunters can use to care for meat in the field under the variable weather conditions of Southeast.
Profile America: Alabama Joins the Union
15th annual 2002 Ketchikan Area Christmas Bird Count
Profile America: Bill Of Rights Day
Proclamation: Bill of Rights Day
Profile America: Boston Tea Party
5:30 pm - KGB Assembly regular meeting - City Council Chambers
- Item 4a
- Item 4b
- Item 5a
- Item 6
- Item 7a
- Item 7b
- Item 8b
- Item 9a
- Item 9b
- Item 9c
- Item 9d
- Item 9e
- Item 9f
- Item 9g
- Item 9h
- Item 9i
- Item 9j
- Item 9k
- Item 10a
Profile America: Aviation Firsts
5:00 pm - Ketchikan Indian Community Tribal Council Annual Meeting - Ted Ferry Civic Center
Profile America: Holiday Calling
6:00 pm - Ketchikan School Board - Public Hearing & Special Meeting - City Council Chambers - Purpose of the meeting is to have a public hearing on the location of the Tongass School of Arts and Sciences and to take action and discuss other items listed on the agenda.
Agenda7:00 pm - KGB Public Hearing - North Tongass Fire and Emergency Medical Service Area - Clover Pass Community Church - 105 North Point Higgins Road
Profile America: Citrus Fruit
12:00 pm - Ketchikan Legislative Liaison meeting - City Council Chambers - Agenda:
1. Call to order
2. Public Comments
3. Legislative Business a. Review of Projects for Booklet - b. Decision on Legislative fly-in date and planning for activities - c. Door Prizes
4.Comments from liaison members
5. Adjournment2:00 pm - KGB Airport Affairs Committee Meeting - Ted Ferry Civic Center Conference Room - Topic will be general airport affairs - The public is invited to attend.
7:00 pm - Parlons Chez Nous. French speakers gather at Cape Fox Restaurant. Venez! 247-4755 or 225-2592
7:00 pm Ketchikan City Council regular meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda (97KB)
Packet (17.5MB)
KGBSD Christmas Vacation Dec. 20th -January 06
Profile America: Holiday Shopping
12 Noon - KGB Special Assembly Meeting re: North Tongass Fire & Emergency Medical Services - City Council Chambers
Packet:7:00 - 8:00 pm Friday Night Insight - SE Alaska Discovery Center - The Wolves & Deer of Prince of Wales - Join us as Dr. Dave Person, Research Wildlife Biologist with ADF&G, discusses some widely held misconceptions about deer and wolves on Prince of Wales Island. Specifically, he will address the ideas that clearcuts benefit deer and that the wolves are killing them off. Come ready to ask questions as Dr. Person sets the record straight on these wildlife "urban legends"!
Profile America: Winter
Profile America: Crossword Puzzles
Profile America: Toys
4:00 pm - KIC Nominating petitions deadline web site
Profile America: Night Before Christmas
Profile America: Christmas Day
Profile America: Television Remote Control
Profile America: Colds
Dec. 27 - Dec. 30 Clarke Cochrane Christmas Classic - Kayhi Gym
7:00 - 8:00 pm Friday Night Insight - SE Alaska Discovery Center - No Program.
Profile America: Skiing
Dec. 27 - Dec. 30 Clarke Cochrane Christmas Classic - Kayhi Gym
Profile America: Bingo
Dec. 27 - Dec. 30 Clarke Cochrane Christmas Classic - Kayhi Gym
Profile America: 2002 Anniversaries
Dec. 27 - Dec. 30 Clarke Cochrane Christmas Classic - Kayhi Gym
5:30 pm - KGB Assembly Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Profile America: New Year's Eve
1 2
7:00 pm Ketchikan City Council regular meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda (88KB)
Packet (5.9MB)
January 2003 January 8, 2003 - 6:00 pm Community Forum at the Ted Ferry Civic Center concerning Schoenbar School for next year. The Ketchikan School Board wants to hear your ideas for locations to educate the Schoenbar students during the Scoenbar remodelling project.
anuary 15, 2003 - 6:00 pm - Ketchikan School Board regular meeting - City Council Chambers
January 20, 2003 - KIC annual election
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November 2002 SSeptember 2002-----August 2002----- July 2002
June 2002 ----- May 2002 ----- April 2002 -----March 2002
February 2002 -----January 2002-------December 2001
November 2001 -----October 2001 ------September 2001 ------August 2001
July 2001 -----June 2001 ------May 2001 -------April 2001If you would like to publish an upcoming event on this calendar,
fax your information to Sitnews at 225-8590 or e-mail your information.Sitnews
Stories In The News
Ketchikan, Alaska