- Calendar
August 2002: View September's Meetings-Events
If you would like to publish an upcoming event on this calendar, fax your information to Sitnews at 225-8590 or e-mail your information.
The Arts This Week
Ketchikan Visitors Bureau Local Calendar
5:30 p.m. - The Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District Board of Education will hold a workshop with Bruce Johnson of the Association of Alaska School Boards in the school district offices in Ketchikan High School. Mr. Johnson will give a presentation on the Quality Schools/Quality Students program.
August 1 -7:
Clown WeekAugust 1 -6: Association of American Indian Physicians
7:00 p.m. - Ketchikan City Council - Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda (94K)
Council Packet (10.3 MB)
Blueberry Arts Festival -Schedule of Events
Inter-Faith Devotions every Friday at the Salmon Landing Espresso "The Edge." Brown bag Lunch 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm. Free
complimentory coffee and tea. Hosted by Baha'is.August 2 - 3: Boys and Girls Club Drug and Alcohol Awareness Conference, Metlakatla, AK. The community event will be at the high school with outside speakers discussing the importance of leading a drug and alcohol free lifestyle. For more information, contact Kathleen Patterson at 907-886-5222.
August 2 and 4: 5th Annual Gigglefeet Dance Festival
Blueberry Arts Festival -Schedule of Events
Blueberry Arts Festival -Schedule of Events
"WE THE PEOPLE" will hold another meeting at 2:00 pm at the Sunny Point Conference Room at 3434 Tongass Ave. (next to the Landing). All KIC Tribal members are invited to attend. Agenda items will include : 1) Update on Tribal Council Recall 2) Revision of KIC Constitution and By-Laws . Please attend and take ownership of your Tribal Corporation. Over 90 Tribal members attended the meeting held this past Sunday. For further information please contact Cheryl Dodson.
August 5 and 6: Frank R. Hayward Sr., Elders and Youth Conference Invitation, sponsored by the Metlakatla Employment and Training Youth Opportunity Program. For more information or to register contact Dorothy or Sean at 907-886-5872, Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. or e-mail.
5:30 pm - KGB Assembly Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda (text)
Agenda (pdf)
First Day To File For Office
"Healing Heart" totem pole raising and potlatch, Metlakatla, AK
Noon - Honoring All weekly meeting at the KIC building 4th floor Healing Room. For more information please contact Barbara Fields at 907-225-5158
Metlakatla 115th Year Founders Day Celebration, Metlakatla, AK
Inter-Faith Devotions every Friday at the Salmon Landing Espresso "The Edge." Brown bag Lunch 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm. Free
complimentory coffee and tea. Hosted by Baha'is.10
Perseid Meteor Shower - The annual Perseid Meteors will arrive this year during the early morning hours of August 11 and August 12 -- Meteor Coloring Book
August 11 - 17: The Saxman Youth Reach Program Culture Camp, Mahoney Lake. For more information, contact Yeda Hicks at 907-225-4166.
Perseid Meteor Shower - The annual Perseid Meteors will arrive this year during the early morning hours of August 11 and August 12 -- Meteor Coloring Book
12th - 17th: Farmers' Market Week
6:00 pm - Planning Commission Meeting - City Council Chambers
6:00 pm - Ketchikan School Board Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
5:30 pm - The Greater Ketchikan Area Local Emergency Planning Committee meeting - Location: KGB conference room, 344 Front Street. One of more Borough Assembly members, City Council members or Saxman City council members may be present. The public is invited to attend.
7:00 p.m. - Ketchikan City Council - Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Tongass Centennial Events Calendar
Tongass Centennial Events - Ketchikan
Inter-Faith Devotions every Friday at the Salmon Landing Espresso "The Edge." Brown bag Lunch 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm. Free
complimentory coffee and tea. Hosted by Baha'is.17
Tongass Centennial Events - Ketchikan
Tongass Centennial Events - Ketchikan
Tongass Centennial Events - Ketchikan
5:30 pm - KGB Assembly Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Tongass Centennial Events - Ketchikan
August 20 - 24: The Ketchikan Indian Community (KIC) Culture Camp. For more information, contact KIC Social Services at 907-225-4061.
5:30 pm - LEPT - City Council Chambers
Noon - Honoring All weekly meeting at the KIC building 4th floor Healing Room. For more information please contact Barbara Fields at 907-225-5158.
6:00 pm - City of Saxman Regular Meeting
6:00 pm KEDA Meeting - Place to be announced...
Inter-Faith Devotions every Friday at the Salmon Landing Espresso "The Edge." Brown bag Lunch 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm. Free
complimentory coffee and tea. Hosted by Baha'is.24
26 27
6:00 pm - Ketchikan School Board - Regular Meeting - Ketchikan City Council Chambers
7:00 pm - Public Meeting For Residents of the Ketchikan Gateway Borough (Who Live Outside the Cities of Ketchikan and Saxman) - Ted Ferry Civic Center -- In response to the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities' recent announcement that they would not be providing snow removal service on roads in the Borough other than Tongass Highway, the Borough Assembly directed staff to hold a public meeting to allow residents the opportunity to review the options available and provide input to the Borough staff for recommendation to the Assembly.... Read the Open Letter from Acting Borough Manager Steve Corporon...
September 2002
September 3, 2002- Tuesday - 5:30 pm - KGB Assembly Meeting - Ketchikan City Council Chambers -
September 4, 2002: KGBSD - First Day of School
September 7, 2002 - Saturday: Ketchikan Watercolor Society. Demo by Mary Henrickson on "Painting Shadows". 10 am noon. Lutheran Church Annex.
September 7, 2002 - Saturday: The Friends of the Ketchikan Public Library meet 10:30 am in the Annex to plan the Annual Book Sale. New members welcome.
September 15 -21: Unmarried and Single Americans Week
September 23, 2002: Family Day - A day to eat dinner with your children
October 5 - 6, 2002: Friends of the Library Annual Book Sale.Plaza Mall
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July 2002----- June 2002 ----- May 2002 ----- April 2002 -----March 2002
February 2002 -----January 2002-------December 2001
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July 2001 -----June 2001 ------May 2001 -------April 2001If you would like to publish an upcoming event on this calendar,
fax your information to Sitnews at 225-8590 or e-mail your information.Sitnews
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Ketchikan, Alaska