- Calendar
May 2002 - Asian Pacific American Heritage Month ------- Better Hearing and Speech Month ------- Bike Month
Foster Care Month ------- Motorcycle Awareness Month -------Nobody Gets Hurt Month -------Psychologically Healthy Workplace Month
Ketchikan Visitors Bureau Local Calendar
KGBSD School Calendar 2001-2002
HATS Schedule Homework Assistance, Tutoring & Snacks
Saxman Breakfast Club -Monday through Thursday 6:30 - 8:45 a.m. at the Tribal House
The Arts This WeekMissoula Children's Theatre begins a week of performing and workshops with Schoenbar and other elementary schools.
Borough Budget presented to Clerk's Office for Assembly...
April 28 - May 4, 2002: Municipal Clerks Week
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Law Day, U.S.A, 2002 Proclamation by the President of the United States
KGB receives School District Budget
6:15 pm - Indian Education Committee Meeting - Kayhi Library
7:00 pm - City Council Meeting - Ketchikan City Council Chambers
Agenda & Council Packet
8:00 am - 10:30 am - Ketchikan Gateway Borough Discussion With DOT& PF - One or more Ketchikan Borough Assembly Members along with the Borough Mayor are invited & may be attending the meeting with the Dept. of Transportation & Public Facilities staff to discuss ongoing design projects, new projects and the needs of the community, etc. at the Ted Ferry Civic Center. The public is invited to attend.
Inter-Faith Devotions every Friday at the Salmon Landing Espresso "The Edge." Brown bag Lunch 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm. Free
complimentory coffee and tea. Hosted by Baha'is.May 3rd - 5th: Business and Professional Women/Alaska 46th State Convention Days
Ketchikan High School Prom
9:00 am - KBG Special Meeting/Work Session - Interview Borough Manager Candidates
Interview Schedule: 9:00 a.m. Tom Briggs
10:30 a.m. Mike Houts
Agenda (text)10 am - noon: Ketchikan Watercolor Society meets for the last time before summer recess Saturday, First Lutheran Church Annex. Susan Copeland will demonstrate underglazing techniques in preparation for a workshop scheduled in September with Judi Betts. New members are always welcome. Come ready to paint.
6:00 pm - Graduation University of Alaska Southeast Ketchikan - Ted Ferry Civic Center
Childhood Stroke Awareness Day
U.S. Navy Sea Cadet Master Chief Jerry Harrington Division Appreciation Day
May 5th - 11th:
Elks Alaska Youth WeekMay 5th - 11th:
Arson Awareness Week
6th - 10th: Pre-school screening
6th - 10th: -- National Teacher Appreciation Week - Tell your children's teachers thanks for enriching their lives.
12:00 noon: The Creek Street Historic District Architectural Design & Review Board will be meeting - City of Ketchikan Council Chambers.
The Arts This WeekMay 6th - 12th: Public Service Recognition Week
5:30 pm - KGB Assembly Meeting - (School District's Budget Presented at regular meeting) - City Council Chamber
Agenda (text)7
6th - 10th: Pre-school screening
6th - 10th: -- National Teacher Appreciation Week - Tell your children's teachers thanks for enriching their lives.
6:00 pm - Planning Commission Meeting - City Council Chamber
6th - 10th: Pre-school screening
6th - 10th: -- National Teacher Appreciation Week - Tell your children's teachers thanks for enriching their lives.
5:30 pm - KGB Assembly Work Session - Review budget process. Revenues, general fund (all departments under Fund 101). Location: City of Ketchikan Conference Room.
6:00 pm - Ketchikan School Board Meeting - City Council Chamber -- Article
6th - 10th: Pre-school screening
6th - 10th: -- National Teacher Appreciation Week - Tell your children's teachers thanks for enriching their lives.
6th - 10th: Pre-school screening
6th - 10th: -- National Teacher Appreciation Week - Tell your children's teachers thanks for enriching their lives.
Child Care Provider Appreciation Day
Inter-Faith Devotions every Friday at the Salmon Landing Espresso "The Edge." Brown bag Lunch 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm. Free
complimentory coffee and tea. Hosted by Baha'is.11
Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Awareness Day
KGB Mayor's letter informs School District of the local dollar amount the Borough will appropirate.
May 12th - 18th: Women's Health Week
The Arts This Week5:30 pm - KGB Assembly Work Session - Enterprise Funds; Airport and segment of Public Works (Sewer Areas), Service Areas, and Debt Service. Improvement Projects, State/Federal Grands. Location: City of Ketchikan Council Chambers.
8:00 am: Ketchikan High School Awards Assembly - Kayhi Auditorium
6:00 pm - Planning Commission Platting Board - Public Testimony will be taken. City Council Chambers
5:30 pm - KGB Assembly Work Session - Remainder of Genreal Fund, Discretionary Grants and Library budget, Debt Service, Internal Service (Health Insurance). Location: City Council Chambers
6:00 pm - City of Saxman Regular Meeting
6:00 pm - Ketchikan School Board special session - Ketchikan High School Library - Purpose of the meeting is to: discusss and possibly taken action on the school district budget,a nd then to recess into executive session to discuss negotiations.
7:00 pm - City Council Meeting - Ketchikan City Council Chambers
Agenda & Council Packet
6:00 pm: Ketchikan School Board Policy Revision Workshop - Kayhi Library
Public Comments regarding the KGBSD Superintendents's Evaluation due today - Comments must be written & signed - Send to Kerry Watson at Central Office
1st Battalion (Scout) 297th Infantry National Guard Unit Day
Inter-Faith Devotions every Friday at the Salmon Landing Espresso "The Edge." Brown bag Lunch 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm. Free
complimentory coffee and tea. Hosted by Baha'is.18
9:00 am: Ketchikan School Board Policy Revision Workshop - Kayhi Library
KGBSD Baccalaureate
May 20th - 29th:
Poppy DaysNoon - Creek St. Historic District Architectural Design and Review Board - City Council Chambers
5:00 pm - KGB Board of Equilization - Convenes annually to hear and decide appeals from determinations of the Borough Assessment Dept.
5:30 pm - KGB Assembly Meeting - City Council Chamber - Assembly sets Mill Levies by Resolution. Introduce Borough Budget Ordinance (1st reading). School District Budget ordinance public hearing (2nd reading)
Agenda6:00 pm - Ketchikan School Board Special Session - Ketchikan High School Library - Purpose: To take action on the school district budget & to approve the Carl Perkins grant...
6:00 pm - Ketchikan School Board Special Session - Monday's special meeting of the School Board was recessed until 6:00 pm tonight - Place of meeting Ketchikan High School Library - Purpose: To take action on the school district budget.
Noon - Mediation for Teacher Negotiations - City Council Chambers
6:00 pm - Ketchikan School Board Meeting - City Council Chamber - If needed
23rd - 26th State Soccer Tournaments (Anchorage)
23rd - 25th Baseball (Sitka)
Noon: Potluck & housing options for Senior citizens seminar - Potluck begins at noon, seminar begins at 1:00 pm - Guest speaker Jim McCall - Location: Plaza Port Mall - 2nd floor - old Bon Marche Children's Store...
1:30 p.m. - Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly Airport Affairs Committee meeting - City Council Chambers - Discussing general airport affairs. The public is invited to attend the meeting.
6:30 pm - Ketchikan Economic Development Authority (KEDA) - Regular meeting - City Council Chambers - 334 Front Street
5:30 -7:30 pm School Play "The Mikado" - Schoenbar Music Room (call for reservations)
23rd - 26th State Soccer Tournaments (Anchorage)
23rd - 25th Baseball (Sitka)
24th- 25th State Track Meet (Anchorage)
Inter-Faith Devotions every Friday at the Salmon Landing Espresso "The Edge." Brown bag Lunch 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm. Free
complimentory coffee and tea. Hosted by Baha'is.5:30 -7:30 pm School Play "The Mikado" - Schoenbar Music Room (call for reservations)
23rd - 26th State Soccer Tournaments (Anchorage)
23rd - 25th Baseball (Sitka)
24th- 25th State Track Meet (Anchorage)
23rd - 26th State Soccer Tournaments (Anchorage)
KGBSD Graduation Ketchikan High School Gym
Memorial Day
The Arts This Week28
6:00 pm - KGB Planning Commission Platting Board work session - Ketchikan City Council Chambers - Purpose: To discuss the Administrative Draft Coastal Zone Management Plan and the North Gravina Area Plan (primarily borough and private lands north of the airport reserve). The public is invited to attend.
6:00 pm - Language Arts Committee Meeting - Kayhi Library
5:15 pm - Special Education Advisory Council Meeting - Kayhi Library
6:00 pm - Special School Board Meeting to discuss the evaluation of the Superintendent - City Council Chambers
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31st - 1st State Baseball Tournament (Palmer)
31st - 1st State Baseball Tournament (Palmer)
6:00 pm - A Celebration Of Diversity - Saxman Tribal House
June 2002 Cultural Month June 3, 2002 - 7:00 pm - Schoenbar 8th Grade Continuation Ceremony - Kayhi Auditorium
June 3, 2002 - KGB Assembly Regular Meeting - 5:30 pm City Council Chambers - Public Hearing and adoption of KGB Budget Ordinance (2nd reading) and more....
June 4, 2002 - Last Day of School - KGBSD
June5, 2002 - Teacher Work Day - KGBSD
June 10 - 28, 2002 - Summer Reading Institute (teachers and paraprofessionals) - KGBSD
June 10 - 28, 2002 - Summer School (students) - KGBSD
June 12, 2002 - 6:00 pm - Next Regular Ketchikan School Board Meeting - City Council Chambers
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April 2002 -----March 2002 -----February 2002 -----January 2002-------December 2001
November 2001 -----October 2001 ------September 2001 ------August 2001 Calendar
July 2001 -----June 2001 ------May 2001 -------April 2001
- If you would like to publish an upcoming event on this calendar, fax your information to Sitnews at 225-8590 or click on the graphic to email your information.