- Calendar
July 2002 - The Year of the Veteran ------Sisters of Providence Year
If you would like to publish an upcoming event on this calendar, fax your information to Sitnews at 225-8590 or e-mail your information.
12:00 Noon - Community potluck and prayer - Cape Fox Heritage Building (old K & T buidling). Open to everyone.
5:30 pm - KGB Assembly Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
7:00 pm - Ketchikan City Council Meeting - City Council Chambers
Council Packet (9.2 MB)
Noon - Honoring All weekly meeting at the KIC building 4th floor Healing Room. For more information please contact Barbara Fields at 907-225-5158.
Fourth of July Schedule of Events
Inter-Faith Devotions every Friday at the Salmon Landing Espresso "The Edge." Brown bag Lunch 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm. Free
complimentory coffee and tea. Hosted by Baha'is.6
Saxman Flea Market. For more information or to rent a tables, contact Capt. Gini Thomas at 907-225-2769
12:00 Noon - Community potluck and prayer - Cape Fox Heritage Building (old K & T buidling). Open to everyone.
6:00 p.m. - Saxman Community Center Planning Committee - Saxman Tribal House. For more information, contact Nora De Witt at 907-225-4166, ext.13.
7:00 pm - Joint Meeting of the KGB Assembly & the City Council - New Business: Memorandum of Understanding between the Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority (AIDEA), the City of Ketchikan & the Ketchikan Gateway Borough - Ketchikan Ship Yard. -- Ted Ferry Civic Center
Agenda & Information Packet
(Pprovided by the City of Ketchikan - 9 pages - 511K download)10
Noon - Honoring All weekly meeting at the KIC building 4th floor Healing Room. For more information please contact Barbara Fields at 907-225-5158
6:00 pm - Ketchikan Board of Education regular meeting - City Council Chambers
June 12 - July 24th - Eagle vs. Raven: Take the Challenge, Walk to be Fit Month
Inter-Faith Devotions every Friday at the Salmon Landing Espresso "The Edge." Brown bag Lunch 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm. Free
complimentory coffee and tea. Hosted by Baha'is.13
Deadline to register for the 5th Annual Gigglefeet Dance Festival, August 2 and 4. For more information, contact Deb Turnbull at 907-225-4792.
July 13 - 15: Cedar Bark Gathering for Families, Totem Heritage Center. For more information, contact the Totem Heritage Center at 907-225-5900 or stop by the center at 601 Deermount Street.
Military Appreciation Day--Chugiak
North Pole Community Neighborhood Day
14th - 20th: AquaticWeek
14th - 20th: Public Assistance Worker Appreciation Week
Ketchikan - The Arts This Week
July 15 - August 10: ARTSCool Arts Camp for kids ages 8-16. For more information, contact 907-225-2211 or stop by the Mainstay Gallery at 716 Totem Way.
Noon - Special Meeting KGB Assembly - City Council Chambers - Purpose: To discuss actions taken by Foothill Capital Corporation, the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA) board of directors & purchase of Gateway Forest Products Veneer mill & sawmill & hold a possible executive session for discussion. The public is invited to attend.
5:30 pm - KGB Assembly Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers - The public is invited to attend.
Agenda (text)16
July17th - 20th: World Eskimo-Indian Olympics Days
Noon - Honoring All weekly meeting at the KIC building 4th floor Healing Room. For more information please contact Barbara Fields at 907-225-5158.
1:00 pm - The Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly Airport Affairs Committee will be meeting at the Hangar One Conference Room. Topic will be general airport affairs. - The public is invited to attend the meeting.
5:30 p.m. - KGB Assembly Special Meeting - City Council Conference Room. The purpose of the special meeting is to discuss borough manager candidate hire and other aspects of hiring a borough manager. An executive session may be held regarding this issue. The public is invited to attend.
7:00 pm - Ketchikan City Council regular meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda (99K)
City Council Packet (14.2 MB)
Inter-Faith Devotions every Friday at the Salmon Landing Espresso "The Edge." Brown bag Lunch 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm. Free
complimentory coffee and tea. Hosted by Baha'is.20
July 20 - 21: Native American 'jamfest' at Wellpinit, Washington on the Spokane Indian Reservation, Eastern side of Washington. For more information contact
Ketchikan - The Arts This Week
Noon - Honoring All weekly meeting at the KIC building 4th floor Healing Room. For more information please contact Barbara Fields at 907-225-5158.
6:00 pm - Ketchikan School Board Work Session - City Council Chambers - Purpose:
1. Presentation of Youth Assets Survey by Diane Gubatayao of PATCHWorks..
2. Discussion of :
(a) E-mail Communication To Parents/Community Member; (b) Board Member Orientation; (c) School Board Calendar; (d) Random Drug Testing of All Students; (e) Consent Calendar..
3. Advance Planning: (a) Work Session with Bruce Johnson of AASA - July 29, 200225 26
Inter-Faith Devotions every Friday at the Salmon Landing Espresso "The Edge." Brown bag Lunch 12:15 pm to 12:45 pm. Free
complimentory coffee and tea. Hosted by Baha'is.27
9:00 am - 12:00 pm - "Effective Hiring & Personnel Practices" Seminar - Downtown Wells Fargo Building, Suite 327 - Presented by The Ketchikan Small Business Development Center - Call 225-1388 to Pre-Register...
Ketchikan - The Arts This Week
5:30 p.m. - The Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District Board of Education will hold a workshop with Bruce Johnson of the Association of Alaska School Boards in the school district offices in Ketchikan High School. Mr. Johnson will give a presentation on the Quality Schools/Quality Students program.
31 August 1
7:00 p.m. - Ketchikan City Council - Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda (94K)
Council Packet (10.3 MB)
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Click on the graphic to download a free Adobe Reader.August 2002 August 1 -7: Clown Week
August 2 - 3: Boys and Girls Club Drug and Alcohol Awareness Conference, Metlakatla, AK. The community event will be at the high school with outside speakers discussing the importance of leading a drug and alcohol free lifestyle. For more information, contact Kathleen Patterson at 907-886-5222.
August 2 and 4: 5th Annual Gigglefeet Dance Festival.
August 5 and 6: Frank R. Hayward Sr. Elders and Youth Conference Invitation, sponsored by the Metlakatla Employment and Training Youth Opportunity Program. For more information or to register contact Dorothy or Sean at 907-886-5872, Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. or e-mail
August 6: "Healing Heart" totem pole raising and potlatch, Metlakatla, AK.
August 7: Metlakatla 115th Year Founders Day Celebration, Metlakatla, AK.
August 11 - 17: The Saxman Youth Reach Program Culture Camp, Mahoney Lake. For more information, contact Yeda Hicks at 907-225-4166.
August 20 - 24: The Ketchikan Indian Community (KIC) Culture Camp. For more information, contact KIC Social Services at 907-225-4061.
June 2002 ----- May 2002 ----- April 2002 -----March 2002
February 2002 -----January 2002-------December 2001
November 2001 -----October 2001 ------September 2001 ------August 2001
July 2001 -----June 2001 ------May 2001 -------April 2001If you would like to publish an upcoming event on this calendar,
fax your information to Sitnews at 225-8590 or e-mail your information.