- Calendar
March 2004
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March 1
5:30 pm - KGB Assembly Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Information Packet
- Item 04a
- Item 04b
- Item 04c
- Item 04d
- Item 06
- Item 07a-i
- Item 07a-ii
- Item 09a
- Item 09b
- Item 09c
- Item 09d
- Item 09e
- Item 09f
- Item 09g
- Item 09h
- Item 09i
- Item 09j
- Item 12a
- Item 12b
- Item 12c
Kaycee Arthun, State Director of March of Dimes will be in Ketchikan from March 2 through the 6th. Wednesday, March 3 she will conduct an idea and fundraising training session for current and prospective team captains. The session will be held at Tongass Substance Screening/ AK STAR Conference Center at 120 Carlanna Lake Road, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Pizza and soda will be served. All team captains (new and past) please RSVP by Wednesday at noon to 247-1431.
Kaycee Arthun, State Director of March of Dimes will be in Ketchikan from March 2 through the 6th. Wednesday, March 3 she will conduct an idea and fundraising training session for current and prospective team captains. The session will be held at Tongass Substance Screening/ AK STAR Conference Center at 120 Carlanna Lake Road, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Pizza and soda will be served. All team captains (new and past) please RSVP by Wednesday at noon to 247-1431.
7:00 pm - Ketchikan City Council regular meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda (98K)
Each separate item on the agenda will link to its own information packet. Place your cursor over the agenda item and click to download that information packet.
Kaycee Arthun, State Director of March of Dimes will be in Ketchikan from March 2 through the 6th. Wednesday, March 3 she will conduct an idea and fundraising training session for current and prospective team captains. The session will be held at Tongass Substance Screening/ AK STAR Conference Center at 120 Carlanna Lake Road, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Pizza and soda will be served. All team captains (new and past) please RSVP by Wednesday at noon to 247-1431.
Ketchikan School District Science Fair - White Cliff Gymnasium
Kaycee Arthun, State Director of March of Dimes will be in Ketchikan from March 2 through the 6th. Wednesday, March 3 she will conduct an idea and fundraising training session for current and prospective team captains. The session will be held at Tongass Substance Screening/ AK STAR Conference Center at 120 Carlanna Lake Road, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Pizza and soda will be served. All team captains (new and past) please RSVP by Wednesday at noon to 247-1431.
6:00 pm - Ketchikan Charter Commission - City Council Chambers - Televised on cable channel 11
KCC agenda & Information packetFriday Night Insight Program - Alaska Discovery Center
Ketchikan School District Science Fair - White Cliff Gymnasium
10:00 am - 3:00 pm FY 2005 Ketchikan School District Budget Advisory Team meeting - Room 125 at Ketchikan High School. There may be more than three School Board memebers present.
11:00 am - 1:00 pm - Ketchikan Watercolor Society meeting - Exchange Artist Trading Cards with other artists. - First Lutheran Church Annex.
Kaycee Arthun, State Director of March of Dimes will be in Ketchikan from March 2 through the 6th. Wednesday, March 3 she will conduct an idea and fundraising training session for current and prospective team captains. The session will be held at Tongass Substance Screening/ AK STAR Conference Center at 120 Carlanna Lake Road, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Pizza and soda will be served. All team captains (new and past) please RSVP by Wednesday at noon to 247-1431.
7 8
Comment Period Ends: EPA is requesting public review on two draft NPDES permits, one to Ketchikan Gateway Borough and one to Ketchikan Pulp Company.
Regular Tribal Council Meeting - 5th Floor Board Room
9 10
6:00 pm - Ketchikan School Board Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
11 12
6:00 pm - Ketchikan Charter Commission - City Council Chambers - Televised on cable channel 11
KCC agenda & Information packetFriday Night Insight Program - Alaska Discovery Center
13 14
5:00 pm - Board of Equalization - City Council Chambers
Agenda5:30 pm - KGB Assembly Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Information Packet
- Item 04a
- Item 04b
- Item 04c
- Item 05b
- Item 06
- Item 07a
- Item 07a-i
- Item07b
- Item 09a
- Item 09b
- Item 09b1
- Item 09c
- Item 09d
- Item 09e
- Item 09f
- Item 09g
- Item 10a
- Item 12a
5:30 pm KGB Board of Equalization - City Council Chambers - The board will receive a procedural orientation & review. The public is invited to attend the meeting.
12:00 Noon - Assembly/ School Board Liaison Committee Meeting - Will be discussing items of mutual concern to the Assembly and School Board. The public is invited to attend the meeting.
7:00 pm - Ketchikan City Council regular meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda (96K)
Each separate item on the agenda will link to its own information packet. Place your cursor over the agenda item and click to download that information packet.19
12:30 pm - The Ketchikan Gateway Borough Assembly Airport Rates & Charges Committee meeting - City of Ketchikan Council Chambers. Topic will be Airport Enterprise Fund budget and review of airport rates and charges. - The public is invited to attend the meeting.
Friday Night Insight Program - Alaska Discovery Center
6:00 pm - Ketchikan Charter Commission - City Council Chambers - Televised on cable channel 11
KCC agenda & Information packet
20 21
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm STATE-WIDE POLITICS WITH PAULETTE SIMPSON - , Vice-President, Southeast, Alaska Federation of Republican Women and Vice-chair of the Republican Party of Alaska: Paulette will discuss the Republican Party platform, the State-wide GOP organization, geographical districts and representation; a perfect way to hear about the State-wide Republican convention in May in Kenai.
4:30 pm - KGB Board of Equalization - City Council Chambers - The board will receive a prcedural orientation & review. The public is invited to attend.
Agenda - BOE Orientation5:30 pm The Board of Equalization will reconvene. The public is invited to attend.
Agenda - BOE Hearings7:00 pm - Special KGB Assembly Meeting - City Council Chambers
AgendaInformation Packet:
7:30 pm - Special KGB Assembly Meeting - City Council Chambers
AgendaInformation Packet:
Ketchikan School District Spelling Bee - Ketchikan High School Auditorium.
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Friday Night Insight Program - Alaska Discovery Center
Inservice - The Ketchikan School Board approved a School Calendar change at the February 11, 2004 Board Meeting. Friday, March 26th will be an in-service day for the staffs of the schools. This will mean there is no school for the students on Friday, March 26, 2004.
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KGBSD Spring Break - March 29th - April 2nd
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March of Dimes Team Captain meeting Thursday April 1 at noon at Dave's Red Anchor.
7:00 pm - Ketchikan City Council regular meeting - City Council Chambers
Each separate item on the agenda will link to its own information packet. Place your cursor over the agenda item and click to download that information packet.
Regularly Scheduled Meetings Ketchikan Youth Court Board Meeting is held on the second Thursday of the Month at 5:00 PM at 221 The Plaza
Ketchikan Big Brothers Big Sisters Board Meeting is held the first Wednesday of the Month at 5:00 PM at 221 The Plaza
Ketchikan Lions Club Meeting is held the second Wednesday of the Month at 6:00 PM at the Best Western Landing Conference Room
Revilla Island Prevention Coalition meeting is held the second Monday of the Month at 3:30 PM at the Health Center
Eagles Aerie No. 162 - Tuesdays at 8:00 pm in the Eagles Club.
First City Rotary - Thursdays at 7:00 am in Jeremiah's.
Rotary 2000 - Tuesdays 12:00 pm at the Eagles, #7 Creek Street.
Toastmasters - Tuesdays 12:00 pm in the Youth Court at the Plaza.
April 2004 April 8-9 - 2004 EARLY CHILDHOOD SCREENING - The Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District is again offering FREE Early Childhood Screening for ALL preschoolers in our community on April 8-9. Our goal is to screen ALL children ages 2 1/2 to 5 years old. If your child has been screened before it is not necessary to do so again.
Each child will be tested in the areas of small and large muscle coordination, cognitive ability, speech, language, hearing and vision. The purpose of this screening is to provide you, the parent, with information on how your child is doing on age level skills, and to offer assistance if needed. This screening is offered at no cost to you.
If you have a child who qualifies for screening, please call Kim Voetberg at 247-2115 for more information.
We also ask you to encourage your friends and relatives with children of this age to contact us so that we may arrange a screening time for them.APRIL 17: NATIONAL POLITICS WITH ANGELA FAULKNER, President, Faulkner Strategies, Granger, Indiana: Angela is a nationally known speaker and consultant who specializes in grassroots politics. - Read more...
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fax your information to Sitnews at 225-8590 or e-mail your information.Sitnews
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Ketchikan, Alaska