- Calendar
April 2004
If you would like to publish an upcoming event on this calendar, FAX your information to Sitnews at 225-8590
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Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce Calendar
Totem Heritage Center Events & Schedules
Alaska Discovery Center - Friday Night Insight Programs
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KGBSD Spring Break - March 29th - April 2nd
30 31 1
March of Dimes Team Captain meeting Thursday April 1 at noon at Dave's Red Anchor.
7:00 pm - Ketchikan City Council regular meeting - City Council Chambers
Each separate item on the agenda will link to its own information packet. Place your cursor over the agenda item and click to download that information packet.2
6:00 pm - Ketchikan Charter Commission - City Council Chambers - Televised on cable channel 11
KCC agenda & Information packetFriday Night Insight Program - Subsistence Gathering. Dolly Garz -Alaska Discovery Center
3 4 5
5:30 pm - KGB Assembly Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Information Packet
- Item 02a
- Item 04a
- Item 04b
- Item 04c
- Item 04d
- Item 04d AK Rain Sanctuary
- Item 04e
- Item 06
- Item 07ai
- Item 07aii
- Item 07 aiii
- Item 08b
- Item 09a
- Item 09b
- Item 09c
- Item 09d
- Item 09e
- Item 09f
- Item 09g
- Item 10a
6 7 8 9
6:00 pm - Ketchikan Charter Commission - City Council Chambers - Televised on cable channel 11
KCC agenda & Information packet10 11 12 13
6:00 pm - KGB Planning Commission Platting Board meeting - City Council Chambers - The public is invited to attend.
6:00 pm - Ketchikan School Board regular meeting - City Council Chambers
7:00 pm Special Wednesday Night Insight Program -Alaska Discovery Center - Working Together: Archaeologists and Aboriginal people in Australia. The Alaska Anthropological Association, Public Education Group, brings Dr. Claire Smith, President of the World Archaeological Congress, from the Department of Archaeology, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia, to Alaska for a series of public presentations. Dr. Smith will share her perspectives regarding archaeological research, current issues, and cooperative programs with the Aboriginal people of Australia.
7:00 pm - Ketchikan City Council regular meeting - City Council Chambers
Each separate item on the agenda will link to its own information packet. Place your cursor over the agenda item and click to download that information packet.16
6:00 pm - Ketchikan Charter Commission - City Council Chambers - Televised on cable channel 11
KCC agenda & Information packet17 18 19
5:30 pm - KGB Assembly Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Information Packet20 21 22 23
12:00 pm - KGB Assembly Airport Rates & Charges Committee meeting - Ketchikan City Council Chambers - Topic will be Airport Enterprise Fund budget and review of airport rates and charges. The public is invited to attend the meeting.
Friday Night Insight Program - Alaska Discovery Center - The Wild Life, Misty Fiords Wilderness. With first hand experience, philosophical and administrative expert Jen Kevil will present Misty Fiords in pictures. Jen is a long time Wilderness Ranger with the U.S. Forest Service. She will discuss the idea of wilderness from an experiential perspective.
24 25 26
5:30 pm - KGB Assembly & School Board Joint Work Session - Ketchikan High School Library - The Assembly and Board will be discussing the school district budget for fiscal year 2004/2005. The public is invited to attend this meeting.
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6:00 pm Ketchikan School Board Meeting - City Council Chambers
29 30
Friday Night Insight Program - Alaska Discovery Center - The Whale and the Super Computer. It is an adventure story about climate change. Eskimos in Alaska's Arctic cope with a changing world. Scientists struggle to understand the changes. A great challenge to mankind has arrived: this is the story of the first people attempting to meet it. Renowned Alaskan author and photographer, Charles Wolhforth, will be giving a presentation on his new book.
Regularly Scheduled Meetings Ketchikan Youth Court Board Meeting is held on the second Thursday of the Month at 5:00 PM at 221 The Plaza
Ketchikan Big Brothers Big Sisters Board Meeting is held the first Wednesday of the Month at 5:00 PM at 221 The Plaza
Ketchikan Lions Club Meeting is held the second Wednesday of the Month at 6:00 PM at the Best Western Landing Conference Room
Revilla Island Prevention Coalition meeting is held the second Monday of the Month at 3:30 PM at the Health Center
Eagles Aerie No. 162 - Tuesdays at 8:00 pm in the Eagles Club.
First City Rotary - Thursdays at 7:00 am in Jeremiah's.
Rotary 2000 - Tuesdays 12:00 pm at the Eagles, #7 Creek Street.
Toastmasters - Tuesdays 12:00 pm in the Youth Court at the Plaza.
May 12-13, 2004: The Alaska Occupational Safety and Health Review Board has scheduled hearings May 12-13 in Ketchikan to consider challenges filed by employers contesting citations issued by the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development.
Citations are based on alleged violations of state occupational safety and health standards.
The Ketchikan hearings are scheduled in the third floor Cedar Room of the labor department building at 2030 Sealevel Drive. Hearings on Wednesday, May 12 will begin at 2 p.m. with the Thursday, May 13 review of contested citations to begin at 9 a.m.
Advance hearing notices were provided to all parties to contested citations.
Board hearings are open to the public as required by Alaska statute. Persons with disabilities and special needs are requested to contact Sandra Dallas, board administrator in Juneau, at 907.465.2709 to schedule appropriate accommodations.
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Ketchikan, Alaska