- Calendar
October 2004
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5:30 pm Ketchikan Assembly Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda & Information Packets6:00 Ketchikan School Board Special Meeting - Ketchikan High School Library
28 29 30 01
8:00 am - KIC Totem Pole Potlatch (pdf) Traditional unveiling of 3 totem poles in front of the KIC Health Clinic which will be followed by a Potlatch. The KIC Health Clinic is located at 2960 Tongass Avenue.
1st Pole: Master Carver David Boxley: KIC Totem
2nd Pole by Donald Varnell
3rd Pole: 40' Totem Pole Will Honor the Ketchikan Native Community
Israel Shotridge Commissioned To Carve 40' Totem Pole for KIC Health Clinic02 03 04
5:30 pm Ketchikan Assembly Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda & Information Packets05 06
7:00 pm - Five time Squash Racquets World Champion Sarah Fitz-Gerald to play exhibition match Wednesday evening, Ketchikan Gateway Recreation Center. - More...
7:00 pm Ketchikan City Council Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda & Information Packets
Each separate item on the agenda will link to its own information packet. Place your cursor over the agenda item and click to download that information packet.
08 09
Sweet Second Saturdays Dance and Dessert (Square Dances) with live music and caller, at the Coast Guard Upper Base, Crows Nest. All are welcome, $5 at the door. - More upcoming events
10:00 am - 3:00 pm - "Come and Paint the Boarded Windows of the Diamonds International Building" on the corner of Front and Mill streets. The theme this year is Flora and Fauna. You don't have to be an artist to have fun with us; bring your whole family. Please join usand, if you cannot come this Sunday, but would like to be involved with creating a mural on the Bernard Passman building windows, please call 225-2250. - More upcoming events
5:30 pm - KGB Assembly Special Meeting - City Council Chambers - Consideration of certifying Canvass Board Report of the Regular Election held Oct. 5th - Agenda & Information Packets
6:00 pm - KGB Planning Commission Meeting - City Council Chamber Conference Room - Agenda & Information Packets
6:00 pm - Ketchikan School Board regular meeting - City Council Chambers -
14 15 16
4:00 - 7:00 pm - ALASKA WEEKEND COMMUNITY DINNER: St.John's Parish is giving an ALASKA WEEKEND COMMUNITY DINNER and everyone is invited to come. There is a Turkey or Ham dinner with Pies for dessert. The price is $8 per person or $25 for a whole family. This is a great event for everyone to meet and share in good fellowship. Please join us in this celebration.
7:00 pm - Monthly Grind at the Saxman Tribal House. Local coffee house with singing, dancing, poetry and more. Tickets are $5 for adults, $1 for children, to be purchased at Soho Coho, Tongass Business Center and the Edge. By a ticket and bring a homemade dessert to get your money back. Sponsored by the Monthly Grind.- More upcoming events
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Alaska Day
5:30 pm Ketchikan Assembly Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda and packet items20
House & Senate Candidate
Call-In Forums12 Noon - Assembly/ School Board Liaison Committee Meeting - City Council Chambers, 334 Front Street. The committee will be discussing items of mutual concern to the Assembly and School Board. The public is invited to attend.
7:00 pm Ketchikan City Council Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda & Information Packets
Each separate item on the agenda will link to its own information packet. Place your cursor over the agenda item and click to download that information packet.22
The SOUTHEAST ALASKA CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S RETREAT is proud to present: BECKY FREEMAN. Oct. 22-23,2004 at Ketchikan First Assembly of God Church, 3225 Fairview Ave. KTN. To register contact: Johanna Hubbard @ (907) 225-9339 or cell# 723-9337 - Or check the First Assembly of God Church web site for registration form to download.
The SOUTHEAST ALASKA CHRISTIAN WOMEN'S RETREAT is proud to present: BECKY FREEMAN. Oct. 22-23,2004 at Ketchikan First Assembly of God Church, 3225 Fairview Ave. KTN. To register contact: Johanna Hubbard @ (907) 225-9339 or cell# 723-9337 - Or check the First Assembly of God Church web site for registration form to download.
7:00 pm - Gordon Bok in concert on October 23rd at 7pm at the Saxman Tribal House. Singer/songwriter Gordon Bok has been a mainstay of the folk music tradition for over 3 decades. Tickets will be $15 per person and are available at Soho Coho, Tongass Business Center, The Edge, McPherson Music and the Arts Council. Call 225-2211 for more information.- More upcoming events
24 25
5:30 pm Ketchikan Assembly Special Meeting - City Council Chambers
Fawn Mountain School (17 pages)
Wards Cove Report
6:00 pm - KGB Planning Commission/ Platting Board Meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda & Information Packets27
5:15 pm - Ketchikan Maritime Education Committee meeting at the University of Alaska Southeast Ketchikan Technical Center, Brindle Lab, located at 600 Stedman Street . Anyone interested in maritime education is welcome to attend. The new UAS Ketchikan radar simulators will be demonstrated after the meeting.
6:00 pm Ketchikan School Board Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
12-1pm -Big Magic Lunch - Ted Ferry for Big Brothers Big Sisters - A great way for the community to find out more about program. Please call for a table. Free Lunch is provided. Speakers will include: Past and present Bigs and Littles and an awesome sideshow!.Call Gretchen Klein by October 24th if you would like to attend! 247-3350
29 30
7:00 pm - Torch Nights performing arts series performance of Steve Riley and the Mamou Playboys, a Grammy-nominated group that plays traditional and neo-traditional Cajun music. Libations at 7pm at the Ted Ferry Civic Center, dancing and music starting at 8pm. Cajun food by Chef Tim will be available for purchase. Tickets will be available at Soho Coho, Tongass Business Center, McPherson Music, Madison Hardware and at the Arts Council. For more information contact the Arts Council at 225-2211.- More upcoming events
7:00 pm - Torch Nights performing arts series performance of Steve Riley and the Mamou Playboys, a Grammy-nominated group that plays traditional and neo-traditional Cajun music. Libations at 7pm at the Ted Ferry Civic Center, dancing and music starting at 8pm. Cajun food by Chef Tim will be available for purchase. Tickets will be available at Soho Coho, Tongass Business Center, McPherson Music, Madison Hardware and at the Arts Council. For more information contact the Arts Council at 225-2211.- More upcoming events
5:30 pm Ketchikan Assembly Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers - Agenda and Informaton Packets
4 - 6pm - UAS Student Council Mid-Term Feast - The University of Alaska Southeast Ketchikan Student Council will host a Mid-Term Feast . It is for full and part time students and will be held in the Paul Building of the main campus. During the feast, the council hopes to encourage more student involvement by providing handouts, being available for questions/comments and highlighting past Student Council achievements. This year the council is tying the feast in with the 2004 Elections. Anyone participating in the feast will be entered in a drawing for a door prize. Spaghetti, garlic bread and salad will be provided by the Pizza Mill. Special thanks to Tatsuda for donating dessert.
Regularly Scheduled Meetings Ketchikan Youth Court Board Meeting is held on the second Thursday of the Month at 5:00 PM at 221 The Plaza
Ketchikan Big Brothers Big Sisters Board Meeting is held the first Wednesday of the Month at 5:00 PM at 221 The Plaza
Ketchikan Lions Club Meeting is held the second Wednesday of the Month at 6:00 PM at the Best Western Landing Conference Room
Revilla Island Prevention Coalition meeting is held the second Monday of the Month at 3:30 PM at the Health Center
Eagles Aerie No. 162 - Tuesdays at 8:00 pm in the Eagles Club.
First City Rotary - Thursdays at 7:00 am in Jeremiah's.
Rotary 2000 - Tuesdays 12:00 pm at the Eagles, #7 Creek Street.
Toastmasters - Tuesdays 12:00 pm in the Youth Court at the Plaza.
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