- Calendar
January 2005
If you would like to publish an upcoming event on this calendar, FAX your information to Sitnews at 225-8590
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Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce Calendar
Totem Heritage Center Events & Schedules
Alaska Discovery Center - Friday Night Insight Programs
SitNews Auto-post:
5:30 pm Ketchikan Assembly Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers - Agenda and Informaton Packets
04 05 06
12:00 noon: Ketchikan Ministerial Association Meeting
Noon - Ketchikan Legislative Liaison meeting - City Council Chambers - To discuss community projects and a fly-in to Juneau. The meeting is open to the public.
7:00 pm Ketchikan City Council Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda & Information Packets
Each separate item on the agenda will link to its own information packet. Place your cursor over the agenda item and click to download that information packet.
07 08 09 10 11
6:00 pm - KGB Planning Commission/ Platting Board Meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda and Information Packets12 13
5:30 pm - Ketchikan Maritime Education Committee (KMEC) annual general meeting - Room H101 of the UAS Ketchikan Technical Center, 600 Stedman Street. The purpose of this meeting is to elect new Board of Directors. Membership to KMEC as well as board candidacy is open to all interested persons. Agenda includes discussion of projects for the training vessel M/Jack Cotant. Snacks will be provided. For more information call 228-4568.
7:00 pm - Friday Night Insight Program - SE Alaska Discovery Center - "Neets Bay Hatchery; An Alaskan Salmon Ranch" - Michael Round, Ketchikan resident of 31 years & Assistant General Manager of SSRAA will present a movie & discussion highlighting the benefits the the Neets Bay hatchery has on the economy & salmon industry in southeast Alaska. Questions will be answered following the presentation.
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5:30 pm Ketchikan Assembly Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers - Agenda and Informaton Packets
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7:00 pm -Ketchikan School District - Public Meeting: Where to Put Students Next Year - Ted Ferry Civic Center
7:00 pm Ketchikan City Council Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda & Information Packets
Each separate item on the agenda will link to its own information packet. Place your cursor over the agenda item and click to download that information packet.21
6:00 pm - Ketchikan Charter Commission will begin a series of meetings to discuss the comments and brief submitted to the Local Boundary Commission regarding the 2004 Consolidation Petition submitted to the LBC in September of 2004. The first meeting will be held on Friday, January 21, at 6:00 pm in the City Council Chambers with a worksession scheduled to discuss the Commission's response to these comments. The public is invited and urged to attend. If there are questions, feel free to email charter (AT)
Next Meeting: Friday - January 21, 2005 - 6 pm - Regular Meeting; 7 pm Public Hearing - City Council Chambers
Item E1
Item F
Item G 1&2
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5:30 pm Ketchikan Assembly Special Meeting - City Council Chambers - Agenda and Informaton Packets
6:00 pm - KGB Planning Commission/ Platting Board Meeting - City Council Chambers
Agenda and Information Packets26
6:00 pm Ketchikan School Board Regular Meeting - City Council Chambers
27 28
7:00 pm - Friday Night Insight Program - SE Alaska Discovery Center - "Kadjisdu.dxcli II: A Carver Rediscovered" - Steve Brown is a renowned author, scholar, and practitioner of Northwest Coast art. With more than 20 years of research, he has established that some of the most significant totem poles, house posts, and other carved artifacts from Taquan (now Metlakatla), Old Kasaan, Wrangell, and Klukwan c. 1770 adn 1810. Brown will discuss this remarkable artist and present slides of the works that led him to his conclusion.
29 30 31 01
Applications for the 2005 Sam Pitcher Music Scholarship are due February 1, 2005. Scholarships up to $1000 are available to students in grades 7 - 12 to attend summer music programs. It is the applicant's responsibility to select a program and explain on the application form how it would benefit them. Application forms are available at the Ketchikan Area Arts and Humanities Council office, McPherson's Music store and the counselor's office at Ketchikan High School.
Regularly Scheduled Meetings Ketchikan Ministerial Association - KMA meets at 12:00 noon on the first Thursday of the month
Ketchikan Youth Court Board Meeting is held on the second Thursday of the Month at 5:00 PM at 221 The Plaza
Ketchikan Big Brothers Big Sisters Board Meeting is held the first Wednesday of the Month at 5:00 PM at 221 The Plaza
Ketchikan Lions Club Meeting is held the second Wednesday of the Month at 6:00 PM at the Best Western Landing Conference Room
Revilla Island Prevention Coalition meeting is held the second Monday of the Month at 3:30 PM at the Health Center
Eagles Aerie No. 162 - Tuesdays at 8:00 pm in the Eagles Club.
First City Rotary - Thursdays at 7:00 am in Jeremiah's.
Rotary 2000 - Tuesdays 12:00 pm at the Eagles, #7 Creek Street.
Toastmasters - Tuesdays 12:00 pm in the Youth Court at the Plaza.
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Ketchikan, Alaska